Homecoming Royalty

Queen Marlee and King Trevor

Queen Marlee is crowned by Chelsea Bromley as King Trevor watches

The Hug: Queens Marlee and Chelsea

Senior Reps Nick Schmoke and Marlee


<--2005 Queen Chelsea and King John returned to crown the 2006 royalty

Senior Reps Trevor and Kelly Walligorski

Senior Reps Brandon Schram and Ronnie Maidens

Junior Reps Justin Zupin and Carman Howard

Sophomore Reps Chelsea Miller and Luke Fogarty

Senior Reps Trevor and Kelly Walligorski

Football Game Sept 30

Homecoming Parade

Football Schedule for 2006


Onekama High 2006-2007

Onekama Middle School

Amber Schram, Jack Miller and Dawn Johnson took the photos on this page.

Onekama Basketball Schedule 2006