Research Paper Guidelines
Paper Format
  1. All papers are to be word processed and double spaced.
  2. Use Times New Roman—size 12—font.
  3. Use a 1 _" top margin on the first page (not counting the title page). Use a 1" top margin on all other pages. Use 1" on all other margins, except if the paper is to be bound on the left. If so, use a 1 _" left margin.
  4. Tab once (.5 on the ruler) for all paragraph indentions.
  5. Correct all typographical errors and use no handwritten corrections.
  6. Final drafts are not be bound beyond a staple in the upper left corner unless otherwise stated.


Every paper is to include a title page consisting of the following (see first page as an example):

a. Center the title in ALL CAPS on line 12.

b. Center your name using upper and lowercase letters another 12 lines below the title.

c. Double space and center the teacher’s name using upper and lowercase letters.

d. Center the date in upper and lowercase letters another 12 lines below the teacher’s name.

Quotations and Paraphrased Materials

1. Quotations and paraphrases should be used sparingly.

a. Quoted material includes the copying of all words of another individual.

b. Paraphrased material is the restating of another individual’s words.

c. Both quoted and paraphrased material must be cited.

2. Quotations must be enclosed in quotations marks.

3. If the quotation is longer than three typed lines, single space and indent five spaces from the left margin leaving a double space above and below the lines.

4. References used to give credit for quoted or paraphrased material are cited in parenthesis in the report body. Example: (Smith, pg. 45).

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