Freshmen & Sophomore Announcements

Sophomore Announcements (Class 2007)

Testing Dates

  • MEAP (Dual Enroll) April 04th — 15th Web
  • A letter will be sent home in March 2005 detailing the MEAP Test and Dual Enrollment.

Career Opportunities

  • EDP Updates Spring 2005

Career exploration and Higher education opportunities at available from Mr. McKenney and at many websites including: .


  • Preliminary scheduling will begin in March & run through May 2005.

Freshmen Announcements (Class of 2008)

Testing Dates

  • There is no State, District, or Local testing being done at this time.

Career Opportunities

Mr. McKenney will be working with students to update their EDP’s (Educational Development Plans) beginng in March. Career information can be found on the web at with many other sites listed at that location.


  • Preliminary scheduling will begin in March & run through May 2005.

Mr. McKenney's Main Page for 2004-2005

Main Onekama School Page: