Update August 2003: The track has been completely redone . The old surface has been removed and new surface has been installed and is waiting for striping. $1500 was raised during the Onekama Day's 5K run/walk. This money will go to the replacement of the pole vault pit. Anyone who has ideas about raising enough funds($10,000 will be needed) could call me 889-5984 or Jerry Brown 889-4708. Of course, we would gladly accept donations!! ...Mick Story.

Pole vault update: Tony Thomas was state champ in the pole vault last June 2003.

Scott Brown was removing asphalt from the high jump area.

A drain is added to keep water off the track.

A "scooper" removes material from the vault spot. It is dumped in a truck and hauled away.

Adding asphalt July 8

Track Index Page for 2003
