The Junior Class
of Onekama School

The Fifth Annual
Dinner Theater

April 27, 2003

Like Mr. Huff said, the people laughing would level the stress and make everything easier, it does and I didn't realize that it would. Like when I messed up the lifeguard skit, then I said the line, everyone clapped and cheered and that made the skit go by so much easier. ...Jordan G.

I have never been so excited to get up in front of people and perform. When Mr. Huff told us we would get that natural high right before the show, he was sooooo right! ...Amy Eipperle

Dinner Theater was by far one of the best experiences of my life, with the exception that I have never changed my clothes so many times in one day before. ...Ashlie

People say that dinner theater brings your class together and it doesn't really sink in, until you get to do it, and we now are a closer class. We needed that. Also Mr. Huff always said that the feeling of show night will be something like you've never felt before, and oh man, was he right, everyone in the locker room was so excited and nervous and so many different things at the same time, that it just created an all around feeling that was incredible. ...Danielle LaRue

I didn't know what dinner theatre was all about when I first arrived in Onekama, but I coon found out! I had too much fun! ...Amanda Ivinson

If I had a chance to do it again I would do it in a second. That was the problem with this Dinner Theater it was over too fast. ...Joe C.

I am very happy with the results of dinner theatre. I think we pulled off a great show when most people thought we couldn't do it. ...Patrick Stedman

Dinner Theater brought me closer to people in my class who I've never really got the chance to know very well. On the night of the show I felt, like for the first time, we were actually one class. ...Erica Reckow

The best reason is it was a great experience for me and the whole class because of this we are all closer as a class. ...Betsy Lyman

I believe that moment was the closest our class will ever get in high school. ...Clayton Kelley

Ever since I saw my brother perform in the first dinner theater over five years ago, I've wanted to taste the limelight. Now, as the intense afterglow slowly fades, I'm more than happy I received that chance. ...Kellen Story

Everyone told me that this was the best dinner theater yet, by far. ...Casey Pomeroy

Dinner theater was one of the most exciting things I've done throughout my high school career. I wish I could do it over again like for more years in a row. ...Joel Coryell

Before the show everyone hugged each other and cried. ...Leeane Harju

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