Manistee County
Quiz Bowl
Sixth Grade

Hosted by Onekama School

March 15, 2012

1st Place

Taylor Belohlavy, Campbell Kolk, Maggie Blevins, Kirk Myers, Sarah Sheathelm

Coach: Mrs. Oden
Teacher: Joel Smith

2nd Place
Phillips Phenome

Keagan Thomas, Jacob Gustad, Tegan Wayward, Grace Chandler, Haley Harland

Coach: Mr. Phillips

3rd Place
Bear Lake Buzzers

Desiree Farnsworth, Ethan Skaggs, Travis Johnson, Yuki Babinec, Joey Simo

Coach: Amy Falk

Onekama School Hosts 5th & 6th Grade Quiz Bowl Competition March 13 and March 15

Manistee County schools have been competing in 5th and 6th grade Quiz Bowl for approximately 25 years. The first competition was held in about 1988 at Manistee Junior High.

This year the top fifth grade team was Little Einsteins of Onekama. Second Place went to Demeuse's Dexterous Dodos of Kennedy.  Third place went to Kennedy's Cronkadiles.

 First place for sixth grade went to the Kennedy Quizzlers.  Second Place to Phillips Phenominals. Third Place went to the Bear Lake Buzzers.

Questions for the Quiz Bowl competition questions are taken from a wide variety of subjects, and are purchased from a company specializing in Quiz Bowls. They are not seen by any coach or moderator prior to the competition.

Links to past Quiz Bowl Pages
since the Onekama website began

The Elementary Page for 2011-2012
The Middle School Page for 2011-2012 leads to all pages created since 1997