The 3, 4, & 5 grade math classes made paper chains to deck the halls

We made snowmen in school. We started to make half circles .To make a close up picture. I finished I put the paper on the. I love making snowmen.
We made chains with the class. They were so long. They would go down the hall all the way to the other doors!!!! They were awesome. We hung the chains in the hall. They were fun to make. ~Aric
In class we made snowmen and paper chains. I made a pretty long chain. Ben A. made a huge chain! At the end we connected them all. Then we hung them in the school. I made a Green Bay Packers snow man. It was fun. ~Brendan
Yesterday we made snowman. We also made chains. If you want tot see the chains there in the elementary hall by Mrs. Brown's room. The snowmen were kind of easy. We copied snow man on to a piece paper by writing. ~Rylan My snowman was petty good at least I think so. I drew it with a big noise so it can be seen. I gave it a blue top hat. Its scarf was blue and green.
We made snowmen in school. They weren't real snowmen. We drew them. it was fun they were really close up pictures. We made paper chains in school. I was pretty fast but Ben A. was the fastest single worker so our whole group teamed up plus 1 more person. Our chain was the biggest in the class. It was really fun making chains.  ~Guage
On Monday we made snowmen. I put pink and purple. I put a hat and scarf on. I made it a snowgirl. I like to make snowmen a lot. then when I was done I put it in the hall.
Last Friday my class made paper chains. I was in a group with Aric, Rylan, and Blake. I made a lot. It took a lot of work. Me and Rylan put ours together. Then we all did and then put them in the hall. ~Chloe
We made chains to go on the walls today. My group hooked like 200 of them. Then when we hooked them all together there was like 1000. Then we made snow men on paper. Mine was fat with a skinny head. He had a pink scarf and a blue and yellow hat. The hat has the portagers colors. I like my snowman. ~James

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