Interview 2012: Mrs. Bennett's 5th grade language arts students interviewed Kindergarteners about their "egg hatching" experiences. Using their notes, the fifth graders wrote and typed a report. They inserted a photo at the top of their report. Reports will be shared with the kindergarten students as well as on this page. (page 2)


Inviting all Chicks

By Kelsey

This year Mrs. Bennett’s and Mrs. Brown’s class interviewed Mr. K’s class. Heather is one of the students in Mr. K’s class.

Heather said, “Mr. Zupin and Mr. Wisniski gave them the eggs”. She also said the eggs look cool. Heather then said the eggs are blue, white, and pink. She said they had to but X’s and O’s on the eggs to tell when to flip them over. Then she said they had to flip them two times a day. Heather said the incubator warmed them. She also said candling was we people did not have electricity so the put an candel over the egg so they can see the shadows. Then she said in the chicks in the eggs eat the yoke to grow in the egg.

Next she said it took 21 days for the eggs to hatch. Heather said she was excited. She said They put coins in the water so they can see the reflection and learn where to peak. Heather said the chicks eat chick food. Heather said, “My most favorite part was turning them every day”.

Heather had a great time and enjoyed it a lot. She hopes Next year's class will to.  

The Little Peepers

By Maggie


Each year Mr. K’s class hatches eggs in his class room. Sarah and her friends watched the eggs for 21 days.

“It was cool hatching the chicks,” said Sarah. ”Mr. Zupin gave are class the eggs,” said Sarah. When Sarah first saw the eggs they were cute. There were golden, yellow, and white eggs this year. The first thing they had to do was put the X and O’s on them. There was X and O’s on them so each side was warm. Mr. K had to turn the eggs once a day. The incubator helps the chicks be warm, the incubator is a octagon.Candling is when we put the egg under a light and then you can see the chick. When Sarah looked she could see the little eyes. Candling the baby chicks was cool.

Before the baby chicks hatched. The baby chicks ate by the yoch from the little red veins. It took 21 days and after 21 days there will be baby chicks. When the chicks hatched she felt excited. Mr. K  put coins in their water and food so they would learn to drink and eat. The baby chicks ate a lot of baby chick food. Sarah’s favorite part of hatching the eggs was when they first hatched.

Mr. K’s class had a lot of fun hatching the eggs this year. Sara loves the baby chicks.


A Spring Surprise   

By Katie

This year the 5th grade interviewed an excited bunch of kindergarteners about the chicks.  Ella was one of them.

She didn’t know who gave them the eggs, but that he was a man, he wore glasses, and had hair around his head. When Ella saw the eggs she knew what they were, but she was surprised and excited to see them. The eggs were brown, white, and pink from Ella’s prospective. The very first thing they did was put the eggs in the incubator, they usually put the X’s and O’s on first. The reason they put X’s and O’s on the eggs was because they wanted to see what side was hot and what side was cold. Something the kindergarteners did everyday was they turned the eggs to the X’s and O’s. They turned the eggs two times a day. ”The incubator is shaped like an octagon and it warms the eggs,” said Ella. Candling is when they put a light bulb in a plastic container to see the chick grow. The baby chicks drink the yolk in order to grow.

Ah, finally! It was a long 21 days of waiting for the eggs to hatch. Ella was very surprised and happy to see them. ”The chicks had pennies in their food and water so they could see where they’re going,” said Ella. The baby chicks eat chick feed. Ella liked most when the chicks came out.

Ella had a great time with the chicks. So did the other kindergartners too!




By Morley 

Landon is in Mr. K’s Kindergarten class and every year his class hatchs eggs. The whole class was happy to see the baby chicks hatch.

Landon thought the baby chicks were resting in the eggs. He said,  “The eggs were white, pink, and blue.” Landon’s class had to put the eggs in the incubator right away so the eggs could stay all warm and cozy. The class had to put X’s and O’s on the egg to know which side the eggs need to be on. Every day Landon's class turned the eggs over two times a day to keep them at the right temperature. Landon liked candling the eggs. The chicks survived by eating the yolk in the eggs.

Cheep cheep! Landon and all of his friends were excited when the baby chicks hatched. It took 21 days to hatch the eggs. There were coins in the food so the baby chicks see it. The chicks ate little oat like things. Landon’s favorite part was, ‘I liked when they hatched and were all wet.”    

Landon had a great time hatching eggs with his friends. Mr. K’s class always has a good time.


Chicky Getting Very Hungry

By Ashlee

This year Mr. K’s class got to hatch baby chicks. Jacob got to help them hatch the baby chicks this year.

Mr. Zupin gave the class their eggs. Jacob felt excited  to see the egg’s. They were white, black, and rainbow too. Mr. K’s class put X’s and O’s on the eggs so they can turn them over. So they don't get cold. They had to turn them over 50 times a day Jacob said.  Actually it’s 2-3 times a day. The incubator keeps the eggs warm. The candling keeps the eggs warm two. It is actually to see the eggs yolk inside. They drank the yolk to help grow.

That is not all there is more. The chicks hatch when the 21 days were over. Jacob said, “That he  felt happy to see the eggs after they hatched”. They put coins in their food because they were very hungry Jacob said.  Actually that helps them eat and drink. They eat baby chick food. They are little pebbles. That’s cool! Jacob said, “I liked seeing them”.

Mr. K’s class had lots of fun hatching the eggs. Jacob had a lot of fun hatching the eggs.



By Gauge


Every year Mr. K has his class hatch eggs. Connor is one of  the kids in Mr. K`s class.

Connor thought it was cool to hatch eggs. “Mr. Zupin gave their class the eggs,” said Connor. The eggs were dark blue, pink, brown, and white. The first thing they did was put xs and os on them. They put Xs and Os on them so they knew which side they were on. They had to turn the eggs ones every day. The incubator kept the eggs warm. Connor said, “Candling is when you put the egg over a candle”. He could see a shadow when they candled. That’s cool.                                           
Peep peep! They hatched, they hatched! They finally hatched, and it only took 21 days to hatch! They grow by eating the yoak. Connor felt excited when they hatched. They put coins in the food so the chicks can see the food. The chicks eat grain. Connor had the most fun holding the chicks.

It sounds like Connor had a lot of fun. Hopefully they have fun next year.


White, Brown, Blue

By D’Angelo


This year Mr. K’s class hatched chicks. Jesse is a student in Mr. K’s class this year.

Jesse said the eggs were cool when he first saw them. He said the eggs were white, brown, and blue. Jesse said, “Mr. Zupin brought the eggs.” The first thing they did was put Xs and Os to keep track of the eggs. They turned the eggs over two times a day to keep them warm. He said candling is a bowl with light. When they candle they saw a black spot. The chick eats the yook to grow.   

Grow grow! In 21 days the eggs hatched. Jesse said they were cool. When the eggs hatched Jesse said, “I felt good.” They put  coins in the food so they know where it is. Jesse said the food was called scratch. Jesse’s favorite part was when the baby chicks hatched.

Jesse liked watching the baby chicks grow. He would like to do it again.




Egg Hatching
By: Sylvia

Seth is a student in Mr. K’s class. Every year they hatch eggs.

Seth didn't know who gave his class the eggs. Mr. Zupin gave Mr. K`s class the eggs. When Seth saw the eggs he thought when were they going to hatch. Some eggs were white, pink, green and some were red. The first thing they did with the eggs was to put X`s and O`s on the eggs. Every day they had to turn the eggs two or three times a day. The incubator warms up the eggs. Candling is when you see inside the egg to see how good its growing. Seth could see only veins when he looked. Seth said, “The baby chicks grew in the egg by eating the yolk but not cooked because it would be too hot.”

It took the eggs 21 days to hatch. Seth said, “ I was happy when the eggs hatched.” There were coins in the water so they could see it. The baby chicks ate chick food. Seth liked hatching eggs because it was fun.

Hatching eggs was was fun and educational. Seth loved hatching eggs.



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