Behavior Expectation
Lesson Plan

Created by Ben & Nathan in April 11
Teach – September 15, 2011
Gretchen & Gina


Mrs. Hrachovina and Mrs. Bromley teach
classroom behavior expectations.

Behavior expectation or rule to be taught: Be Responsible

Location for expectation:  Special Events, Assemblies, Field Trips, Extra-Curricular, Bus, Gym, Cafetorium, and Media Center

Rationale- tell why following the rule is important:  It is important to be responsible in the classroom so teachers can teach and students can learn.

Provide examples to help students better understand what is and what is not the expected behavior:

Examples of expected behavior. Choose examples of that best “fits” the general case of what the behavior expectation


Non examples of expected behavior that are:

·     More similar to examples of expected behavior rather than outrageous non-examples

·     Typical of what students do when they are not engaged in the expected behavior


Bill and Bob have questions about the presentation.  They wait until the presenter asks if any one has any questions.  Bill and Bob raise their hand and wait to be called on.  They ask a question that relates to the presentation.

Bill and Bob walk in line quietly with their class and sit where their teacher directs them, following their teacher’s quiet signal. Bill and Bob get in line with the teacher’s signal and they stay in line and walk with their class out of the assembly.


Bill and Bob have questions about the presentation.  They blurt out their questions while the presenter is talking.  Bill and Bob do not raise their hand, but instead they start telling a story that happened to them.

Bill and Bob walk in talking very loudly with their class and don’t follow the quiet signal, making it difficult for the speaker to speak and other students to listen. Bill and Bob get in line when it’s time to go and Bob goes and talks to Joe so they don’t see or hear the quiet signal.

Provide opportunities to practice and build fluency:

  1. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice the rule.
  2. As the teacher models, have individual students demonstrate examples and non-examples of the rule (role play)

3.   Tell students about the consequences for following and not following the rules. (ex. Lose privileges)

Acknowledge expected behavior

To show examples of proper behavior two teachers could model appropriate behavior.  Afterwards students can identify appropriate behavior.  Lastly the teacher would have students volunteer model appropriate behavior for class.  This could be done several times.