Behavior Expectation Lesson Plan
Created by Bonnie & Tracy in April 2011
Teach-September 13, 2011
James & Sally

Behavior expectation or rule to be taught: Be Safe

Location for expectation:  Hallway

Rationale- tell why following the rule is important: It is important to be safe in the hallway so you don’t harm others and you can safely get to your destination.

Provide examples to help students better understand what is and what is not the expected behavior:

Examples of expected behavior. Choose examples of that best “fits” the general case of what the behavior expectation


Non examples of expected behavior that are:

·     More similar to examples of expected behavior rather than outrageous non-examples

·     Typical of what students do when they are not engaged in the expected behavior


Candice comes to school late.  She checks in with the office and Mrs. Bromley her classroom teacher.  Her class is at PE, so she quietly walks down the hallways to PE.

Candice walks with her classmates on the right side of the hallway to art class.

While walking to Music, Candice and her class pass the kindergarten class.  Both classes keep hands to themselves while passing in the hallway.


Candice comes to school late.  She checks in with the office and Mrs. Bromley, her classroom teacher.  Her class is at PE, so she leaves quickly and runs down the hallways until she runs into Mr.  Hughes.

While walking to art, Candice and Betty are not paying attention and walking down the middle of the hallway.  They are in the way of another class.

While walking to music, Candice and her class pass the kindergarten class. During the pass high fives and hugs are given.  Everyone gets held up in the hallway.

Provide opportunities to practice and build fluency:

  1. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice the rule.
  2. As the teacher models, have individual students demonstrate examples and non-examples of the rule (role play)
  3. Tell students about the consequences for following and not following the rules. (ex. Minor

Acknowledge expected behavior: 

The teacher can have students volunteer and model the above examples several times for the class.