Mrs. Lyman's Newsletter
Sept. 16, 2010

Dear First Grade Families,

          We have started some review this week. We are making a special alphabet book to review the letters and sounds. We are also reviewing how to write each letter in our journals.

          We have started our math curriculum. Students have received their math journals and completed their first page. They have also received their tool kit and their first tool, the pattern block template. They used the template to make a picture.

          During shared reading this week students learned to read Annie, Bea, and Chi Chi Delores by Donna Maurer. We completed a variety of activities together including a class book and body spelling new words we learned.

          We have one snack time in the afternoon after recess. Please be sure to pack your child a healthy snack each day.

          You received the first book order of the year. I try to send home book orders once a month. Please look at the book choices and if there are books you think your child would enjoy please fill-out the order form and send it back to me with a check. Checks need to be made out to scholastic. Please DO NOT send cash. This book order will be due next week Friday, September 24th.


          Our enrichment schedule has changed. Please look over the revised schedule.

          I was happy to see so many of you at open house on Tuesday. I had quite a few parents sign-up to help in our classroom. If you were unable to sign-up at open house, but are available to help please let me know. I will be working on the schedule next week.

          Our Halloween party will be after our last recess on Friday, October 29th. I need volunteers to come in and help beginning at 1:30. I also need volunteers to bring in plates, napkins, cups/drinks, and healthy finger foods. If you are able to help with anything please let me know.

          Next week I will look ahead and begin planning for upcoming projects. I will try to get a wish list of things I will need sent home on Friday.

          Questions to ask your child this week are the following:

1)    Can you use the following words in a sentence? A, all, the

2)    Can you count by 1’s to 110?

Have a good weekend everyone!


Mrs. Lyman

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