A hike through the Arcadia Dunes Forest with the 2nd & 3rd grade students

          Onekama Elementary second and third grade students spent a beautiful October afternoon hiking to the Arcadia Dunes lookout. A two-mile hike through leaf-covered woods led them to the sandy dunes overlooking the Lake Michigan coastline.
         The annual field trip, organized by teachers Sally Catanese, Gretchen Eichberger-Kudlack, and Ben Mauntler, served as an extension to the students’ study of natural resources. Additionally, it supported the school’s mission of integrating physical activity into the general curriculum. “As teachers, we look for every opportunity to help our students connect what they are learning to the world outside our classroom,” explained Catanese. “It would be foolish to conduct a study of natural resources without helping students to appreciate that Manistee County is blessed with a wealth of resources, and that we have a responsibility in its protection and stewardship.”

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Mrs. Catanese's Main Page for 2010-2011

The Main Elementary Page for 2010-2011

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