Animal Reports

Poison Arrow Frogs
by Junior M.

Some frogs live in tropical forests. They eat flys bugs and small insects. In the winter they live in the mud in creeks or small ponds. In the summer they stay along shore getting eaten by snakes. Poison arrow frogs live in trees. They got their name from the arrow shape on the back of its head. If you pick one up you will stay alive, if you have a cut and pick one up you will be a goner.



My report is on the sloth. A sloth is an arboreal mammal found in Central and South America. They are distantly related to the armadilos and anteaters. When sloth's eat, sleep,and travel they hang upside down, clinging to branches with there powerful claws. A three toed sloth is about the size of a big house cat. Sloth's are so slow that they do about 1-5 feet per minute! They are the world's slowest mammal. It moves so slow that alge grows on the fur and it helps it blend in with the trees. A sloth is about 5-75 pounds. These are the many things i have learned about the sloth.



By: Maria R.

        Jaguars are only found in the western hemisphere. Their height is 2 ¼~2 ½ feet tall. Weight is 100~ 250 lbs. Their length is 5 ½ ~ 8 feet long from the nose to the tip of the tail. Lifespan 15~20 years.  Jaguars hunt mainly at night. Their name means a beast with a single bound. The total number of jaguars throughout  of their range is unknown! Jaguars are cool!!


Squirrel Monkey
Jeremiah T.

The squirrel monkey is a very fascinating animal. Squirrel monkeys are a part of the genus toxonomic group. A relatives of the squirrel monkey is the Cebidae. Some of it’s body features are short close fur, olive shoulder fur, and black extremites that are yellowish orange. The tail of the squirrel monkey is often used as a balancing tool.  The squirrel monkey has the nickname of “ Deaths Head Monkey.” The animal earned this name in many German languages due to it’s throat and ears which are white and black. The squirrel monkey inhabits the tropical rain forest of Central and South America. Plus the squirrel monkey is very far from being extinct! Some of the males can grow up to 750g, and the females up to 500g. Squirrel monkeys eat fruit, such as mango, apple, and banana. They also eat sweet potato, insects like termites, vegetables, and peanuts. Some squirrel monkeys can live up to 20 years of age. Like other primates the squirrel monkey have a wide range of calls and body positions. The squirrel monkey spreads a musky smell throughout their fur as a scent to mark territory.


The Kinkajou

by: Jaylen B.

The animal I am researching for my project is the kinkajou. The kinkajou has many different abilities. They can turn their feet backwards to easily run up and down tree trunks. It has a long gripping tail that it uses kind of like another arm. Kinkajous usually hang from it’s incredible tail, which also helps their balance. Though many of it’s features and traits sound like it is related to the primate, the kinkajou is actually related to the raccoon. Kinkajous are sometimes called honey bears because they raid bees’ nests. They use their long tongues to slurp honey from a hive, and also to remove insects out of their nest. Kinkajous also eat fruit and small mammals, which they capture with their nimble front paws and sharp claws. They wander and eat at night, they return in the morning and sleep in a previously used tree hole. Kinkajous form groups in treetops and share interactions such as grooming each other. Though they are seldomly seen, they are often heard screeching and barking in the forest canopy. They are found in the forests of Central and South America where they spend most of their time in trees.

        The female kinkajous usually give birth in spring or summer. The baby is born with it’s eyes closed and can’t see for the first month. It develops very quickly, however and by about the end of the second month it can already hang upside down from it’s tail. I have learned so much about the kinkajou.

By Zoe M.

Jaguars are very interesting animals. They are also known as a cat. There life span is 12-20 years. There biggest predetor is the human being. Jaguars live iun the rain forest, but also can live in the woodlands. There scientific name is panthera onca. When jaguars hunt they hunt at night. When you look at a jaguar you might get confused because it looks like a Cheetah. The jaguar weighs between 50 and 100 kilograms. Its usually 5 to 6 foot in length and 25 to 30 inches tall. The skin color is reddish brownish. Rather than chasing the prey they wait and attack. They love the water. Jaguars can carry its prey in its mouth while swimming. Jaguars have very deep roar unlike any other animal. Females don't have tat deep of a roar but they have one. jaguars have a symbol of beauty, power, and strength. They hunt so good because they have a powerful jaw. The jaguar has lots of skills. The skills are hunting and killing its prey and ext. Jaguars are very cool.


by Nicholas F.

The animal that I'm studying is a Macaw. Many Macaw's have vibrant plumage. Their beak can easily crack nuts and seeds. Macaw's scaley tongues are a good tool for tapping into fruits. Macaw's have good gripping toes to go on branches, grab, hold, and examine items. Macaw's have very long tails. They are intelligent and social birds. The birds call is loud and it echoes in the forest. Flocks of Macaw's sleep in trees at night. Some Macaw's eat damp soil. The soil helps it neutralize chemicals in their fruity diet. They breed with, and share food with their mate. In the breeding season mothers incubate eggs while the father hunt's for food. There are 17 species and several Macaw's are endangered. Blue-throated Macaw's are seriously endangered. The Glaucus and the Spix Macaw's are extinct. Macaw's houses are in the forest trees. That is my report of the Macaw.

Macaw Birds

There are 17 species of Macaws. They are a part of the parrot family. Macaw's live in Central and South America. Macaw's are endangered species, but their bright green, red, and blue colors help them blend into their home in the rain forest. Gloucus and Spix Macaws are probably already extinct.
Macaws lay eggs once a year. They lay as many as two to four eggs. Macaws eat nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects. In the wild they can live up to 40-60 years old. If they are kept as a pet or in a zoo they can live up to 100 years old. Macaws are very beautiful birds.~ Elizabeth


The Jaguar

Jacob M.


    I am doing the  Jaguar for my science project. I picked the Jaguar because it is at the top of the food chain. The Jaguar is the third largest cat in America. The Jaguar has a compact body, A broad head and powerful jaws and teeth. Its coat is normally yellow and brown Sometimes a Jaguars color can change to reddish brown to black. The Jaguar life spanned is 15 to 20 years old. The Jaguar can weigh up to 100 to 250 pounds! The length of a Jaguar is 8 feet from nose to tip of tail.





Sophie -report



Animal Reports, page 2

Mrs. Bennett's 4th Grade /  Mrs.Bromley's 5th Grade  /  Mrs. Brown's 4th Grade