2010 Winter Olympic Games

Opening Ceremony

Reenacted by the Students of Onekama Elementary School

February 11, 2010

I. Procession of Nations

  •  Zackary G. and Kristopher O., Announcers

  • Olympic Theme and Fanfare  by John Williams

  • Students March in

II. Welcome to the 2010 Winter Olympics

  • Savannah L., Myah R. Speakers

III. The Olympic Flag  - Olympic Hymn”,  by Spyridon Samaras

  • Jodi H.- Speaker

  • Olympic Flag Bearers: Jake P., Justine P., Bailey G.i, Dean S., Evan S, and Mairin M.

IV. Canadian Flag  - Oh Canada” by Calixa Lavallee

  • Amanda B. – Speaker    
  • The Canadian Flag Bearers: Emily M., Elizabeth D., S.ydnee M. Nicholas F., James E., and McKenzie B.,

V. Olympic Dance “Bugler’s  Dream” by John Williams

VI. The Olympic Oath   - Austin S., Speaker

“In the name of all competitors, we promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules that govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams.”

VII. The Lighting of the Olympic Flame Torch & Ceremony Photos

  • Kyle P. and Kiara B., Speakers

  • Torch Runners: Ella A., Nickolas G, Aric H, Trent E, Faith C.

  • Torch Lighter: Kevin Nelson

VIII. Recessional  - Olympic Fanfare and Theme

The Nations

About the Choreography

The Olympic Dancers portray the grand procession in the first Olympic Games in 776 B.C.  followed by the first Olympic race. The statue figures portray the twelve winter Olympic events. The dance concludes by exalting the Olympic Motto of “higher, faster, stronger” and the themes of the Games which include unity, excellence, having an open mind, and peace. 

Olympic Dancers

Griselda A., Lahaila B.uchanan, Zackary G., Keira H., Savannah L., Aaron P., Myah R., Owen T., Taylor Y., Eleanor S., Amanda B., Sam B., Kyle C., Nathan F., Jodi H., McKenna I., Sylvia M., Kris O., James S.

  • Directed and Organized by Gretchen Eichberger – Kudlack

  • Sound Technician by Jared Nelson

  • Technical Support provided by Rick Brandis and Bruce Peabody

Winter Olympic Games Day – Friday, Feb. 19
in the afternoon

Closing Ceremony  - Friday, Feb. 26
at 2:30PM