Jan. 12, 2009

Dear Families,

Your child is bringing home work completed during my leave of absence on the week of Jan. 4 -8.  Spelling words for this week went home yesterday.  I will send home more completed work in your child’s Thursday folder.   

Third grade students are studying multiplication and a majority of the students have a firm grip on this multiplication tables.  They will be bringing home flash cards this week.  Please study at home.  Third graders are also beginning their study of Michigan History beginning with the first Native Americans to inhabit our state.

Second grade students are studying adding 3-digit numbers and adding/subtracting money.  They are also studying temperature and weather for science.

Both grades will begin work on writing a biography of a famous person who has worked for peace.  The students were introduced to people of peace such as Martin Luther King, Gandi, Mother Teresa, Cesar Chavez, Maria Montesorri, Chief Seattle, and Pete Seeger.

Don’t forget Good Behavior Ski Day Forms.  It is Tuesday, Feb. 9

Until Thursday,

Gretchen Eichberger

Lincoln Center for Performing Arts, NYC

Mrs. Eichberger's Main Class Page // The Main Elementary Page for 2009-2010

http://www.onekama.k12.mi.us leads to all pages since 1997