Webelos II Camp Out

The Webelos II enjoyed overnight camping at Spirit of the Woods on Nov. 7, 2009

It was a gorgeous afternoon at camp -- 64 degrees on Saturday afternoon. The overnight got a little chilly-- way down to 25 degrees by Sunday morning!

The boys are in Mrs. Bromley's 5th grade class: Kyle, Jacob, Tighe , and Jarrod .

 ~Craig Peterson  

Group crossing foot bridge at Bear Creek

 Boys were identifying tracks on the creek edge.  They had it narrowed down to two choices. That was what I heard one of them say, "It's either a Bear print or rabbit" ~Craig Peterson

     Are camping trip was fun. One Saturday the Boy Scouts went on a  camping trip. The first thing that we did was go for a three mile hike. We had to climb up and down really steep hills. When we were done hiking the webloes alone had to start a fire. After a while we got it started using only nature. Then everyone had to cook dinner and dissert. We had chicken and apple crisp. We also had a lot of fun playing card games and ghosts in the graveyard. I had a great time at the camping trip. ~Jarrod

The boys had to start the campfire to cook on....Look's like they are praying to the fire gods!

             On November 7th and 8th I went to the Spirit of the Woods for a camp out. The best part was we got to identify nature and tracks on a trail. Toward the night we put sticks in the river. Also, we played ghost in the graveyard. We made apple cobbler over the fire. The whole trip was very fun. ~Kyle

I had fun at the spirit of the woods webelos trip. We made a fire out of natural materials. I got to look at Jupiter through a telescope. We also played ghost in the graveyard. I had fun at spirit of the woods.  ~Tighe

 Webelos II at Baseball Game 

This photo was taken when the boys attended a Traverse City Beach Bums baseball game. It was Scout night at the game. The boys had a time!



Link to Webelos November Food Drive

Mrs. Bromley's Main Class Page

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