Operation Fit Kids 

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I think Fit Kids was really fun.  My favorite part was wearing the pedometers.  The point of the pedometers was to walk to the Galapagos Islands.  Our teacher was Mrs. Batzer.  Fit Kids was a really good and fun experience. ~Jacob

On Wednesday, April 28, 2010, my class had a Fit Kids party.  We had pedometers.  There are teams like the blue team, red team, green team, and orange team.  Whoever walks over 4,000 miles gets to the Galapagos Islands.  Also, whoever gets the most steps wins.  The blue team won.  I am on the blue team.  So are Michele, Mark, Grace, and Makayla.  I had so much fun doing Fit Kids. ~Kassidy

Fit Kids was really educational and informative.  I’m really sad it has come to an end.  At our last meeting we watched a video about the Galapagos Islands.  Also I got an award for getting all my assignments turned in.  Kiara, Grace, Lauryn, and Jarrod did too.  The award was a t-shirt.  At the party we also had a nice frozen yogurt treat that we could eat while we watched the tape of the Galapagos.  There was either mango or raspberry.  I had mango.  It was very good.  Also, we got dog tags and we got to keep the pedometers we had to wear.  Fit Kids rocked. ~Kelly

Over eight weeks, the Onekama fifth grade class had Fit Kids.  Fit Kids is a program that teaches fifth grade students the importance of eating right and exercising.  I liked Fit Kids because we got to wear pedometers to count our steps.  The cool part was the virtual trip to the Galapagos Islands.  To make it to the Galapagos Islands your team has to have a certain amount of steps.  The team who won was the blue team.  Fit Kids was very cool.  Thanks Mrs. Batzer! ~Kyle


On Wednesday, April 28, 2010, my class and I had a Fit Kids party.  We ate fruit smoothies.  I ate a raspberry one.  Also, we watched a movie about the Galapagos Islands.  It was very cool, but we did not finish watching it.  I got an award for turning in all of the challenges.  I got a Fit Kids t-shirt.  It was designed by Louise Barnard from our school.  We walked over 4,000 miles to the Galapagos Islands with our pedometers in eight weeks.  But my team and I did not make it back.  Fit Kids was a very fun experience for me and my class. ~Lauryn


Fit Kids was an interesting program.  We had eight weeks to do the program.  On the last day, we watched a movie about the Galapagos Islands.  While we were watching the movie, Mrs. Batzer gave us a frozen yogurt treat.  I had a mango one.  All the teams made it back from the islands except our green team.  Fit Kids was a good learning experience.  ~April

Fit Kids was awesome.  On the last day of Fit Kids our class had a party.  We had healthy ice cream.  I had raspberry ice cream.  We also watched a movie of the Galapagos Islands.  After that Mrs. Batzer handed out prizes.  I got two prizes.  One was for doing all of the challenges.  Lauryn, Kiara, Jarrod, Kelly, and I got a shirt.  The other one is for the blue team for getting the most steps.  Fit Kids was a fun experience. ~Grace

The Fit Kids program was really fun.  Some of the fun things I liked were the test and the challenges.  The last day we got yogurt.  It was really good.  I had a lot of fun.  Thank you Mrs. Batzer! ~Makayla

On April 28, 2010, our classes Fit Kids ended.  Mrs. Batzer gave us a yummy treat.  It was a healthy fruit cup delight!  There were two types of treats.  Raspberry and mango were the choices.  I got mango.  We also got to watch a movie about the Galapagos Islands.  I thought it was awesome!  I am looking forward to seeing Mrs. Batzer again in 8th grade. ~Taler

This year we did a program called Fit Kids.  It was an eight week program.  Over the eight weeks, we had to wear pedometers.  Also, we had homework.  Everyone was in a group/team.  I was in the purple team.  I had a purple pedometer.  The reason we were wearing pedometers was so that we could get to the Galapagos Islands.  At the end we got a party.  Mrs. Batzer gave us a treat.  It was frozen yogurt/ice cream.  It was very, very good.  Also we got some prizes.  I was not one of the kids who got a prize.  All of the kids got a dog tag.  Fit Kids was so much fun. ~Kassie


On April 28, 2010, our class had a Fit Kids party.  We were celebrating the last day of Fit Kids.  We got to watch a video of the Galapagos Islands and we also got to eat some healthy fruit ice cream.  I got a prize for turning in all of my work.  It was a t-shirt that said Fit Kids on it.  Everybody got a dog tag that said Fit Kids on it and a pedometer.  I thought Fit Kids was really fun. ~Kiara

The last day of Fit Kids was so cool.  I did not get a reward but it was fun.  Our class got frozen yogurt.  It was good.  I watched a movie about the Galapagos Islands.  Everybody got a new dog tag for their necklaces.  Fit Kids was a good experience for me. ~Ashlee


 Fit Kids was so fun.  I got to eat frozen yogurt while we watched a video of the Galapagos Islands.  The islands were so cool.  On the island there were these really cool birds.  Their necks popped out.  The part of their neck that popped out was pink.  The Galapagos Islands were great. ~McKayla

During Fit Kids we had to do a bunch of stuff.  We had to wear pedometers and had to write a log to keep up with our stats.  Every week we had to turn in our logs.  Every week Mrs. Batzer would come and pick up our logs and homework.  Then she would have us all do a certain dance or exercise routine.  The last day of Fit Kids was sad because it was over but cool because we watched a movie about the Galapagos Islands and got prizes.  I won a cookbook and a stress reliever ball.  Then we got really good frozen yogurt.  It was delicious!  I loved Fit Kids, but sadly it was only eight weeks. ~Alexis


I had fun doing Fit Kids.  At the end, I got an award.  It was my pedometer.  We took a virtual trip to the Galapagos Islands.  During the movie we had some frozen yogurt.  It was good.  I had raspberry.  The other flavor was mango.  The blue team won.  The green team made it to the Galapagos but didn’t make it all the way back.  I had fun doing Fit Kids. ~Tighe

This year in fifth grade we had Fit Kids.  At the start we had our fingers poked so they could draw blood.  It didn’t hurt at all.  We got two dog tags; one at the beginning and one at the end.  During the time we had Fit Kids we had to wear a pedometer during the school day.  We were split up into teams.  I was on the orange teams with Bobby, Tighe, Kiara, and Brooke.  Our team got 4th place out of five teams.  Our goal was to get to the Galapagos Islands.  Every team made it there but only four teams made it back.  Our teacher was Mrs. Batzer.  I had a lot of fun. ~Austin

Mrs. Bromley's Main Class Page   //  Fit Kids Begins: March 3

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April 2010