Thanksgiving Traditions

          My family has a lot of traditions. In my family we usually just stay at home. Some times my sister Kristen, Justin, and her baby girl Kamryn come over. Also we all sit around our dining room table. We don’t usually dress up either. My mom gets up early and takes out the turkey seasons it and puts it in the oven. We usually have with the turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, broccoli and cauliflower, and much more We eat at around two o ‘clock. My sister and I set the table with the plates, forks, knives, spoons, cups, and napkins. My mom and dad cook, and my brother helps by being the taste tester. Another thing is my dad cuts the turkey. Then right before we eat we sit around our dining room table and say what we’re thankful for. After that we all just dig in. My favorite part is having my family all come together to celebrate such a special holiday. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

Thanksgiving Traditions

I can’t wait until Thanksgiving. Every thanksgiving I do the same thing. I always go to my Grandma Sharon’s house to eat. She’s usually the cook, aunt Pauley is in charge of the drinks, and my mom helps Grandma in the kitchen. The kids have a job too, our job is too stay out of the adults hair until diner! At Grandma’s, the kids get served first and the adults are last. Next comes the turkey and ham. We usually take turns who carves the turkey, like sometimes Mustafah does it and sometimes my dad does it. Now usually aunt Pauley sets up the kids table in the kitchen. (Both tables are long cause there is about 12 to 13 kids there.) At Grandma’s EVERYONE has to bring a dish and it doesn’t matter what it is because we all bring home leftovers! Now after diner the kids have only two rules, one you go outside or downstairs, and two stay out of the adults hair. I don’t know many of the kids there, I only know Emmal and Traiden. (a.k.a. Romero and Mateo, my families weird they go by their middle names.) So I only go play with them on the trampoline. And that’s what I do every Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Traditions

          Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I like it because I get to spend time with my family. I also like it because of the food traditions, like my dad’s homemade cheese cake. We usually eat around 3:00. My mom and I work on the food. My dad and my brother work on the other stuff. We pray before we eat and then its time to dig in. Thanksgiving is the best holiday ever.        

Thanksgiving Traditions

I love Thanksgiving because my family gets together. We usually go to my house to eat. My dad does most of the cooking. We pray before we eat. We eat turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, fruit, banana bread, and lots more. I always get so stuffed from all the food! We eat around lunch. My aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandpas and grandmas come. We eat in the living room and watch football and talk. After we’re done eating the adults watch more football and the kids play around. I always play with my one-year old cousin Chase. He is so cute! My favorite part of Thanksgiving is getting together with my family. I think Thanksgiving is so much fun.

Thanksgiving Traditions

          Thanksgiving is really fun. Last year we went to my Uncle Jason’s house. Cousin Don was there to. Before dinner my cousin Sam and I like to jump on the trampoline. We ate dinner at about five o’clock. There was about 15 people there. When we get dinner we go from adults to kids. We finished at six o’clock. There is a another fun Thanksgiving coming up soon. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.

Thanksgiving Traditions

          Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. On every Thanksgiving we go to nana and bumpa’s house. All the parents make lunch and bring it to their house when they come. My Aunt Kim and her family come, Aunt Join and her family comes, my cousin Ashley and family comes, and my cousin Gabe and his family comes. Before we go to the Thanksgiving lunch we go to church. After church is over we all go to are houses and get are food and get ready. All the girls get the table ready. When everyone comes we gather around the table and say a prayer. When we are done with the prayer we all eat. Some of the food we eat is ham, turkey, jell’o, potatoes, and salad. After everyone is done eating the girls do the dishes. When we are done with the dishes we play games. The games we play are Scrabble and another game that I do not know the name. When the girls are playing games the boys are watching football. At about 7:00 everyone leaves and goes home. My families Thanksgiving is always fun.

Thanksgiving Traditions

          We go to our grandma and grandpas house. We walk to our grandmas or drive up there. We eat turkey, pumpkin pie, hot cocoa, soup and mashed potatoes for dinner. We eat when the turkey is done. My favorite part is when my aunt and uncle come for the Thanksgiving dinner. We eat at the table in the dinning room. We play the wii and watch football on the TV. We watch the football game on the big screen TV. We play the game spoons. It is a game with plastic spoons and cards. The roles are kids eat first. We get to sit wear ever we want to sit at the table to eat. The rule is adults have to wait to get their food. I have a great Thanksgiving every year.

Thanksgiving Traditions

     Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I go to my aunt and uncle house for thanksgiving. I help set the table to eat. After we get done eating, we play games or watch television. My whole family is there. My uncle came from Washington D.C. I get so happy when he comes from Washington D.C, because he is in the navy, he has bean in the navy for a long time, and he still is in the navy. He will be coming back in two years I can not wait in till he is coming back he might come and live up here. That is my thanksgiving traditions.

Thanksgiving Traditions

Each year our family has at least one tradition. The first thing is that all the women cook and all the boys go and watch football in another room. Also, all the kids find something to do. We all sit and eat at one table in the dining room. The main we eat is turkey (of course) my mom’s awesome sweet potatoes, potatoes, once in a while ham, and grandma’s famous nine layer Jell-o. All the people that are there are my aunt and uncle, my two cousins from Grand Rapids, my grandma and grandpa and, my parents of course. My favorite part is to see my cousins because they live so far away. We eat at my grandma and grandpa’s house most of the time. Also, we watch football and the Thanksgiving Day Parade. Thanksgiving comes wit at least one tradition every year.

Thanksgiving Traditions

I really like thanksgiving. I like Thanksgiving because our family has a really big get to gather. Usually we have it at our house. We have turkey, and ham just incase they want ham instead of turkey. Most of the time we eat around three to four o’clock. There is always a lot of people from both mom and dads sides of the family. We have a long table for the adults and a smaller table for the kids. While the parents cook the kids can play games or watch football. We kids always get to get our food first. We always pray before we eat dinner. My favorite part is when we all get together and play kickball or a game. That is why I like Thanksgiving so much.

Thanksgiving Traditions

          My family has some Thanksgiving Traditions. One Tradition is people come over to are house. The people that come over is my grandma and grandpa that is it for this year. I usually I go to my other grandma and grandpas house. So I am so happy to have  Thanksgiving at my house this year. Another Tradition we have is what we eat. We eat pumpkin pie, apple pie, peach cobler, and turkey. We cook the turkey the tradition way. We eat at seven o’clock. Then we eat direst. I will eat until I burst. My favorite part is eating. Those are some of my family Thanksgiving Traditions.     

November 2009

Language Index Page for 2009-2010

Thanksgiving Traditions

          Thanksgiving is a very busy holiday. On Thanksgiving my family goes to church, then down to my grandma and grandpa’s house in Hart. My aunt and uncle come down from Detroit, plus their dog Georgia. When we get there my grandpa is usually roasting the turkey and ham, and my grandma is preparing the appetizers and dinner. After their done with that my dad, uncle, and grandpa watch football, and my mom, aunt, and grandma talk…a lot! Benjamin and I are the only kids who are there so we just run around, and play games; we like to play scrabble, uno, phase 10, and clue. Then when dinner comes we pray, then we eat. We usually eat turkey with stuffing, pistachio pudding, baked potatoes, beans, ham, and pie. I think the most important thing about Thanksgiving is the food and family. I love Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. We eat at home. My favorite thing is eating all the food on the table. My grandma and papa come to my house. We eat potatoes, ham, corn and buns. We eat about four o’clock. My mom and grandma do the food and me and my sister set the table. Every one eats at the table.  There is what I do for Thanksgiving tradition.

Thanksgiving Traditions

          I like Thanksgiving because we get to see the family. We drive to Iowan. It is a three hour drive. The whole family gets together at grandpa’s house. We eat turkey, veggies, jello, and other stuff. My family eats at one o’clock. So its lunch/dinner. Some of   my aunts, uncles, and cousins come from Texas. We watch the Thanksgiving parade on tv and the news. I set the table and help cook and clean up. My mom makes most of the disserts. They are very good disserts. We put the tables in the living room. Some of the family stile set on the couch. That is how we normally do thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Traditions

          Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Every year for Thanksgiving we stay at home with family. My grandma, grandpa, brother, sister-in-law, and neighbor Carol visit. We always eat at six o’clock in the dinning room. My mom always cooks while my sister and I set the table. We eat turkey, biscuits, corn, and a couple other things. When dinners ready we sit around the table and start to eat and talk. We never watch television while we are eating. My favorite part of Thanksgiving is being able to be with my family. Thanksgiving is really fun!

Thanksgiving Traditions

          My family has great plans. For Thanksgiving all my aunts, cousins, uncles, relatives, and even my family goes to my grandma’s house. Sometimes my older cousins boyfriends or girlfriends come to celebrate. It’s fun meeting them. My family members make a lot of food. Usually when almost everyone is at grandma’s house we start eating. When we start to eat we go upstairs and watch, or we will stay downstairs and visit. My favorite food that my aunt makes for holidays is a salad with a lot of stuff in it. My favorite dessert there is a lemon cheesecake. When were there my brother and I will play with the babies. There really fun to play with. When were there there’s no roles for making the food because it’s already made. There is two rules at my grandma’s house no running and no screaming unless it’s a baby. My favorite part of thanksgiving is visiting with people you never see. Thanksgiving is a great holiday.

Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I like it so much because get to see my family. For Thanksgiving, most of the time we go to my aunt and uncle’s house. We eat turkey, mashed potatoes and for desert we have pumpkin pie and lots of other good stuff. Most of the time we all go to the table and eat. We always pray before we eat. My favorite part is eating. There is so many great things to eat. I think Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Traditions

          Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite times of year. We always go to my grandparent’s house. For Thanksgiving everybody from my mom’s side of the family comes up. When everybodies there then we split up. Women cook, Men watch football, and kids are usually watching football, playing video games, or outside playing. If everybody is up to the house than we eat at 2:30 if not than we eat at 6:30. When it’s time to eat they put all the food on the bar and have a buffet. Then you can get food when ever you want to eat. Most of the time the kids go first. Every year the kids have four to five plates of food the adults have two to three plates of food. My favorite part is seeing all my family and hanging out at my grandparent’s house. Thanksgiving is a great time of year.

Thanksgiving Traditions

I think Thanksgiving is a fun holiday. I go downstate and other times I stay here. We usually eat at 5:30. We eat just wherever in the house. We eat turkey, pumpkin pie, and we eat spinach balls. All of my aunts and uncles are there. When I stay here my grandma and grandpa are there. My favorite part is the football. Usually the moms cook all the food. Me and my cousins play video games and watch movies. There are usually 15 people there. I really do love Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Traditions

I like thanksgiving because my family gets together. One place we’ve went to is my Aunt Tanya’s house. When we get there the adults start to cook but us kids go and clean the house. After we are all done we start to get the plates, silverware and napkins out and my mom and I set the table. At about two o’clock almost everybody is there. After everybody was there we had about fifty people in her house. And about three thirty we all play a game, one of the games is rummy my mom loves to play rummy. After a few games of rummy us kids play Sorry I like to be blue. We also have a decorating game where us each get decorations and who ever can get up all there decorations first gets a big prize. Once I won and I got a pie in my face. After we played all of our games my grandma ruby and my grandpa dished out the turkey. After they got done dishing out the turkey my mom dishes out the sweet carrots. Then my dad dishes out the potatoes and sour cream. After that I get out all the drinks than Ashley dishes out all the vegetables out. And Mary dishes out all the crackers, cheese, rice, cheesy chicken and the chips. And after everybody dishes out all the other food we eat. Us kids eat at the kids table and all the adults eat at the tables in the dining room. The only rule we have is NO running in the house. And my favorite part is seeing my family that I haven’t seen for like a year.

Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving is a great holiday. Let me tell you our family traditions. First my grandma Vera prepares the food. She usually makes ham, turkey, and cranberry jello. Well the cranberry jello is sort of like jello. We also have bread, veggies, fruits and squash. Then my grandma Vera calls my family. When we get to my grandmas house we help her put the table cloth on the table and set the table.  Then my grandma pores the sider in the cup that my brother and I are going to use. My mom and dad get out the wine glasses for the adults. Then my grandpa and dad get the chairs. When there done they set they chairs up. Then my grandma Vera and my mom put the grub on the table. When there done we all sit down and say a prier. After we are done with that we chow down.  After that we all help out to clear the table. Every year my grandma ands grandpa comes to our house or we go to there house. I don’t know what we are doing this year for Thanksgiving. I think we are going to my mom mother’s house. Or we are going to my mom’s boyfriend’s mom’s house.  I hope we go to my grandmas and grandpas house cause it’s really fun going there for Thanksgiving. I love my family and all of our holiday too Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving is a really fun holiday. Every year we go to my grandma and grandpa’s house. Before we get to eat, Mckayla and I set the table. Usually my grandpa cuts the turkey, and my grandma cooks mashed potatoes, and gravy. My aunt and uncle come to eat with us too. So we have six people to celebrate with. Before we all eat we always pray to God. We usually eat the turkey for dinner instead of lunch. We all go sit down at the dinning table. After we eat we play games. Last but not least, my favorite part is feasting! I lave Thanksgiving.

 Mrs. Bennett's 4th Grade /  Mrs.Bromley's 5th Grade  /  Mrs. Brown's 4th Grade