Web Photo Writing for April, Page 2













           The new school is awesome! There is a stage, cafetorium , kitchen, a gym and exercise room. there is also a band room and a art room. the new school has a new elevator. The new school combined it is 2times the size as my old school maybe 3times.the best part is the indoor track. The exercise room to I like because it is open for other people to. ~Ashlee

On April 5, 2010, we had a tour of the new school. It was awesome! We saw the new kitchen, music room, art room, gym, and exercise room. Everything was so big. There is even an elevator! It is so cool. The best part was that, that day we would get to eat in the new cafeteria! It was so cool. The food was excellent. We even get to choose what we want for lunch. I love the new school. ~Alexis


On 4-7-10 our class took a tour of the new school. The gym was so shiny. The bleachers in the gym say OCS on them. The gym’s size is about a size of a collages gym. Its really big. On the top sides of the gym there’s an inside track. We also got to run a couple laps on it. The new school is really awesome.  ~April

             We are at the MSU game. It took three hours to get there. Also three hours to get back. The people who went are Taylor, Mckayla H., Makayla S., Kassidy, Michele, and Alexis. The Michigan state girls was playing. The stadium was huge! I had a lot of fun! ~Kassidy


 On March 26th we helped Mr. K’s kindergarten make rainbows. In this picture I’m with my neighbor Teigan. The first thing we did was we watched Mr. K as he did a demonstration. Then we partnered up with a kindergartener and then we got our supplies. We needed a folded sheet of light pink paper, six color strips of each color of the rainbow, scissors, a pencil, and glue. First we drew our cloud, and then we cut out our cloud. After that we glued three of the sides of the cloud. Next Teigan and I made our color strips different designs. Then we stuffed it with scrap paper. After we stuffed it we stapled it. Helping the kindergartener’s was really fun. ~Kelly 

April Photo Writing Page 1

 On Tuesday, March 2, my class read with kindergarten. I read with Olivia. She was such a good reader! We took turns reading books to each other. She brought almost all Dear Dragon books. Then she went back to her classroom. Its fun reading with kindergarten. ~Brooke


          This year the fifth grade students are helping the Kindergarten learn how to read. It’s just like buddy reading only it’s not on Friday. They read to us and we try helping them if they get stuck on something. In this picture Jacob, Ethan, and I are reading in Mrs. Bromley’s classroom. The Kindergarteners are great at reading so far. I like helping Kindergarteners learn how to read.  ~Austin


Language Index Page for 2009-2010


    Mrs. Bennett's 4th Grade /  Mrs.Bromley's 5th Grade  /  Mrs. Brown's 4th Grade
