Miss Catanese's
Parent Letter

Friday, May 29, 2009

Dear First Grade Families,

 We had a busy week!  Although it was rainy and cold for our Moomer’s field trip, we still had a blast!  We learned so much about cows, farms, and ice cream! 

We continued our Geography Unit this week and continued to discuss directions, maps, states, cities, towns and our great state of Michigan.  We read, M is for Mitten by Annie Appleford.  We loved this book.  The book taught us so many new things about Michigan that we did not know.  Everyone did a wonderful job on the “I love Michigan…” writing prompt! 

              On Tuesday we will participate in Good Behavior Field Day.  It is from 12:00 – 2:30 p.m. on the football field.  In order to be prepared for the weather, you may want to send in a coat/sweater, water bottle and hat with your child.  Also it would be a good day to have sun block on.  The Lions Club will provide hot dogs, popcorn, and pop for an afternoon snack.  Volunteers help make this day a great success.  If you are able to lead an event/activity, then please contact the office.

              On Tuesday, May 26th we took our Unit 9 math assessment.  For this assessment the students read the questions to themselves.  On Wednesday we reviewed our test and made test corrections.  Enclosed is your child’s original test and stapled to that is their corrections.

              Next Thursday is our last day of school (June 4th).  Please send in an extra bag with your child on Wednesday, June 3rd as we will begin to pack up our classroom and empty our desks and lockers. 

              I would like to take the time to thank all of our classroom volunteers.  Mrs. Neph (Monday’s helper), Jodie Hough (Tuesday/Friday’s helper), Mrs. Gale (Tuesday’s helper) and Mrs. Scarlata (Thursday’s helper).  Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to help out in our classroom.  Your time is much appreciated!  THANK YOU!! 

              It was a pleasure to get to know some of you and all of your children.  I enjoyed every moment.  They all have wonderful personalities!  Each of your children have taught me something that I will take with me forever as I continue my teaching career!


          Thank you so much!!

Ms. Catanese

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