Arcadia Woods Walk Writings

We had fun.  Some children found mushrooms. ~By Kris


This is a picture of the forest.  There are almost 4,000,000,000 trilliums.  My dad, Mason, and Rylan where in my group.  The ground was very wet.  My group used walking sticks. ~By James


I felt really a weird feeling in the woods.  I am staring at the ground.  The ground was really wet because of the rain. ~By Trent


We are walking in the woods.  We saw wild onions.  Some kids picked onions. ~By Colin


In this picture is a boy who found a morel.  A morel is a kind of mushroom.  He was walking in the woods. We had to walk 4 miles.  When I was walking I felt tired.  When I got there I was surprised.  After we went to the woods, we got to go to the park.  We saw  dog. ~By Lauren


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