Our Inauguration Day

The day before the Inauguration, we decorated our classroom with flags.

On Tuesday morning we practiced the Inauguration Ceremony. Julia was Michelle Obama. D’Angelo was Barack Obama.  Hobi was the Judge.  Katelynn was Mahlia and Kelsey was Sasha. Faith was Jill Biden. Nolan was Joe Biden. Jared, Anthony, Dylan, Roberto, Jared, and Colin were Secret Service.  Jaylen was the poet.  Sydnee was the piano player. Lauren was Laura Bush and Morley was George W. Bush. Kris was the Reverend.

At 10:00 we inaugurated our new president. Mrs. Catanese’s class came and Mrs. Torrey came.

After the Inauguration we went to Mrs. Torrey’s room to watch the real Inauguration.  We saw Barack Obama and the Secret Service.   After lunch we watched Barack Obama do his speech.  We saw a person singing America. After the speech they blew the cannons.  We saw two million people watching.  We saw Mrs. Obama and the kids.

Then we had a toast.

Then we had the Ball.  We danced to jazz music.  Some of us dressed up in fancy dresses and clip-on ties, and Ethan wore a tuxedo. We had punch and cookies.  The best cookie there was chocolate chip. We did the side-step dance.

Celebrating with dancing and cookies 

at the 2nd & 3rd Grade Inaugural Ball

Viewing the events on the television and

giving a toast to our new president


Many More Inaugural Photographs  //  Mrs. Eichberger's Pages for 2008-2009

 The Main Onekama Elementary Page for 2008-2009

http://www.onekama.k12.mi.us leads to all pages since 1997