My job was to pick up the trash. I wore a rubber glove so I didn't get germs from the garbage. ~Roberto
I like the beach sweep because I like to clean up the beach. Now people will come to the beach. ~Zoe

Cleaning the Beach

     We went to the beach to clean it up. We found cigarettes, plastic and fireworks. We found a cement block. I think cleaning the beach was good because it makes the beach better. People don't like junk on the beach.
      My job was to pick up the trash. I wore a rubber glove so I didn't get germs from the garbage.
      All People Should clean the beach so plants don't die. Animals like clean beaches too.

Our Beach Sweep

     At the beach sweep we cleaned most of the beach. The people in my group were Jacob, Elizabeth, Dylan and my dad. The most unusual thing was a mattress spring. We picked up over 964 pieces of trash. I could not believe it there was so much trash. WOW! What I thought was cool was the Minihana a ship wreck which was very cool.

Recording at the Beach Sweep

    At the beach sweep we had groups. A couple people in my group were Jared, James, Allison, Sylvia, Anthony, Caleb. That is all the people I can remember. My job was being a recorder. To be a recorder. To be a recorder you have to be quick and find what the person found. For example, Allison came up to me and said, "I found two plastics," so I would mark two pieces of plastic.
     I like the beach sweep because I like to clean up the beach. Now people will come to the beach.


,Mrs. Eichberger's 3rd Graders Clean the Beach / Our Main Class Page for 2008-2009

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