Our elementary students planted bulbs all over the school grounds.  Come spring they will see the resulting blooms.

On October 24th we did bulb planting in the schoolyard. The bulbs looked like onions. They wee brown. We had to dig a hole and put the bulb in the hole and pat it down with our fee. There were people that's how we planted them. ~by Jaylen

We were at school planting bulbs. I got to bring one home. It is a daffodil. I had fun. I had to dig with my hands. The daffodils will come up in the spring.
~by Erica

My friends and I got to plant bulbs in the school yard. Every kid got to plant up to three or four bulbs. I got to see my brother Tighe and my friends. My friends and I had a lot of fun. I got to plant four bulbs. I had fun planting bulbs. ~by Carlee

On October 24th we planted bulbs. We got to plant 3 or 4 each. It was a nice sunny day which was a good day to go outside. We planted them on the playground. It was a perfect place to put them. The bulbs looked brown and felt like an onion. I planted with Junior. He dug the holes with a stick and I put the bulbs in. I got 25 cents for 3 worms from Jeremiah but I didn't get it. I  had a fun time planting bulbs. ~by Emily

My friends and I were planting bulbs so our school can look nice. I got to plant about 5 bulbs. I got to go on the top of the wall. We were the first one there. I liked the bulbs because they were small and fat.
 ~by Nicholas

Photos by S. Niederstadt,
S. Catanese, T. Bennett, K. Lyman
& Christine Batzer from the
Manistee News Advocate


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