Heart Health

On February, 26, 2009 Mrs. Feil and Mrs. Falk came in and talked about the heart. In your body you have 1.5 gallons of blood. All of your blood vessels put together would be 60,000 miles. Your heart pumps 70 times in a minute. They brought in a modol of your heart. They said it's like a house because there are doors and hallways. I liked when they came because they told me about the heart. At the end they gave us pencils and bracelets. I had so much fun.  ~Sylvia

     Today Feb. 26 Mrs. Feil and Mrs. Falk came to teach us about the heart of the human body. We found that the heart has 4 doors, your heart beats 70 times in a minute. There are 1.5 gallons of blood in your body. They told us how to keep a healthy heart. You have to exercise, not smoke and eat healthy. ~Julie

     Mrs. Falk and Mrs. Feil had some interesting stuff about your heart. So I'm going to tell some things about the heart. The heart can beat 70 times a minute. Your blood vesles are 60,000 miles long and your blood vesles can go around the world 2.5 times.
     We got to listen to our heart. Our heart beat sounded like Lubdub Lubdub. I thought it was cool about learning about the heart.
     We keep our hearts healthy by eating and drinking the right stuff like dairy food, vegetables, fruit, water, 100% juice and more. ~Zoe

    When Mrs. Falk and Mrs. Feil came they let us hear our hearts! They sounded like this "lub dub Lub dub". We also learned how many times the heart beats in one minute. It beats 70 times! If you took all your vessels end to end they would be 60,000 miles long!! You also have 1.5 gallons of blood in your body. I think the best part was when we got a little booklet, a pencil and a bracelet.  ~Jeremiah

     Mrs. Feil and Mrs. Falk came in 02-26-09. They taut us that you have 1.5 gallons of blood in your body, all blood vessels if you put them end to end will be 60,000 miles long, you heart has 4 doors, your heart beats 70 times a minute, and how to keep your heart healthy. You can eat healthy, run, and play. When you run the heart pumps blood and it only takes 5 seconds to go from you heart to your big toe. I think they were a big help. ~Elizabeth

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