Thursday Folders

       On Thursdays your child will bring home their Thursday folder. Please go through the papers in that bag. Please make sure to read through the documents and papers sent through this system from the school and myself.

        Also, please go through your child’s work with your child. Be inquisitive with them. Find out what the assignment was. I have a policy of having the children fix their own mistakes on an assignment. This does not apply to all assignments however. Generally if there is an “x” by something or I’ve circled it, it is wrong. If your child has fixed it I will put a handwritten “ok” on or near the “x” or the circle. If something is not fixed please have your child fix it with you.

        Most of our assignments are graded “S, S-, or S+”. To earn an “S+” a child must go above and beyond the assignment: filling a whole page with very detailed, appropriate writing that shows a higher understanding of the concept, as opposed to writing just enough to get an “S”. An “S” means that your child understands the concept enough to get the assignment done and is progressing satisfactorily. “S-“means that your child does not understand the concept satisfactorily but hopefully will acquire the understanding of the concept as we work with it more. If I feel your child needs extra help or is not progressing satisfactorily I will contact you and we will need to conference.

        If at any time you have any questions about your child’s progress, my policies, your child’s work, or the classroom in general please feel free to call me, stop by the school, and/or set up an appointment. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have and listen to any concerns you have. The school number is 889-5521. My extension is 342. My e-mail address is Check out our website!


Mr. Mauntler's Main Page for 2008-2009