4th Graders

Magoon Creek

First we saw a program called Wings of Wonder. Then we went and learned about what Native Americans used for music. When we went to the DNR fisheries there was a dinosaur. The dinosaur sucked on to my hand. That was very cool. We also learned how to plant a tree. It was fun going to Magood Creek.   ~Jon

My favorite part of the Magoon Creek trip was when they showed us instrument from indians and knives from indians. They showed us 500 million year old dinosaurs. They are called lamprey eels. One stuck to my hand but it came off. We listened to people talk and tell stories.   ~Logan

On May 15, the fourth grade went to Magoon Creek. We talked about Wings of Wonder. We also talked about tree planting too. I got to touch a Lampree eel. I also got to tuch the bones of a sturgen. I had a lot of fun. ~Brandin

Magoon Creek was a short field trip. First we went to the bird watchers. One was named Gilden. The second was bird was named Prill. Then we listened to three people . Then we went home.
~no name on paper

Yesterday, May 15, 2008, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Bennett's classes went to Magoon Creek. I had a lot of fun there. It was really cold outside. We all learned about Wings of Wonder. In Wings of Wonder they save birds. We got to see birds there. They were the Eastern Screech Owl and a Red Tailed Hawk. The two birds got hit by cars. After that we learned about Native Americans and their flutes/music. We learned about area birds and area history. Then we sprit up in three groups. The three groups were birds, tree planting, and DNR fishers. We were going to go to Light House Park but it was too cold. It was a 25 minute drive there and back. I had a lot of fun at Magoon Creek.  ~Ashley

Yesterday, May 15, 2008, my class went to Magoon Creek. It took about 45 minutes to get there. When we got there it was raining. After we got off the bus we went to a shelter. At the shelter a girl from wings of wonder showed us an owl and a hawk. After that a Native American told us about Indian music and instruments. Then we went to the parking lot and three speakers spoke to us. One guy talked to us about birds. Then another speaker talked about trees. The last guy talked to us about sturgeon and lamprey. Then we went back to school.

It was so much fun at Magoon Creek. First we saw some birds. We saw an owl named Guilda. The hawk was named Paurl. Then we listened to three (3) men. Then we went back to school.

Magoon Creek was really fun. At Magoon Creek this lady brought live birds. She talked about then. Then we went over to a native American and he told and showed us Indian flutes. After that we went to see thisone and he showed a live water dinosaur. I got to told it. Magoon Creek was a fun place. 
~No name on paper

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for 2007-2008

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When we got to Magoon Creek it was raining. We got off the bus and went in this little shed type of thing. In the shed we met this person from Wings of Wonder. She taught us about raptors. There are 27 different raptors. One of the raptors was a great horned owl named Gilda. The other was a red tail hawk named Pearl. After that we learned about Native American flutes. Some were really big and some were really small. The man that taught us about them made them. Then we listened to a speaker who talked about Magoon Creek history but he only talked a little bit. Then my group went to a man who taught us how to plant trees. Last we met a man that was a DNR fisher. He had fish that were dinosaurs. They didn't look like fish. Though. Then someone talked about birds. Then we went back to school.  ~Braden

Yesterday we went to Magoon Creek. We had a good time, but we got rained on. A lady who worked at Wings of Wonder showed us two birds. One was a screech owl that got hit by a car and can't go out in the wild anymore. That meant that she got blind in one eye and went deaf. Then she showed us a red tailed hawk who also got hit by a car. The bird's names are Pearl and Gilda. They were cool.  We got to the last guy but in the middle we had to leave because it was raining too bad. We had to leave early. We had a fun time, but we would have been better without rain.

First we saw an owl. It was an eastern Scretch owl. The speaker told us their right ear is bigger than the left ear. She also told us the right ear is higher than the left ear. Then we went to this man that talked about Indians. He showed us three flutes and all of them were sanded by snake grass.  Then a guy who talked about birds asked us if we knew a bird that says its name and nobody got it and he said a peawee bird. After that we listened to a man who brought out an eel and he said they have been around for 500,000,000 years. Last we went to a guy who told us about tree planting. After that we got on the bus and went back to school. ~Keegan

Fourth Grade's Main Page
for 2007-2008


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May 2008