April Announcements
from Mr. Mauntler's Room



In the next few weeks I really hope to attack comprehension skills even harder than before. Now, more than ever, asking questions about the book your child is reading is really important. Also have your child ask questions and share them with you as he or she is reading. Questions about what the problem is, what the characters are like, what the characters will do, and what the solution is will all help in getting your child to think about the story as they are reading. We need to work together to ensure that your child is thinking about and relating to the story they are reading. Among other skills, we will be working on real and fantasy, facts and opinions, plot, and main ideas/supporting details


We have been working most recently on multiplication, division, and fractions. Please continue to work with your child when you have a chance to do so. Even a little bit of practice and guidance will really go a long way. Our unit to start April will be in measurement. We will be measuring different items using several different tools/instruments, including scales, measuring cups, and tape measures/measuring sticks.

Mr. Mauntler's Main Page for 2007-2008

 Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)

The children will be taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills the week of April 14-18. I am confident that your child will do well on the test as long as he or she does two things - sleep and eat well. Please make sure your child goes to bed early and feed him/her a healthy breakfast each morning. It is going to be a somewhat stressful week. I will try to make it less so by testing for a limited time in the mornings.


Friday, April 11th, we will be planting zinnias to sell later in the spring. We will be going to the Pleasanton Valley Greenhouses for a tour and a planting lesson first. Then your child will have an opportunity to plant, raise, and sell 2-4 pots of zinnias. This project will help fund a class trip to Ludington later in the spring. You will have a chance to buy these plants before they go on sale, watch for the flyer!

Spring Fever

I realize that many of the students have “spring fever” due to the nicer weather we have had lately (Which is just fine with me!). Please help your child to complete his/her homework each night and sign the sheet. We have been pretty good about doing this so far. Hopefully this will continue. Extra practice at home ensures greater success in the classroom!
