Mrs. Lyman's Parent Letter

Thursday, Oct. 4th, 2007

Dear Kindergarten and First Grade Families,

            This week in our classroom the kindergarteners worked on the letters Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq and Rr.  The die-cut letter coming home should be put on a wall somewhere so your child can be building the alphabet.  The first graders were introduced to a new story in their basal series called My Five Senses.  I introduced venn diagrams so they could compare and contrast the characters in My Five Senses to those in one of the previous books, Annie, Bea and Chi Chi Delores.  They also completed their first math assessment to check their progress.  Be looking for those to come home next week.

            We have started the Pizza Hut Book It program.  You received a flyer with how the program works.  Instead of individual goals, however, I just set class goals.  I provide lots of opportunities for reading in my classroom so we are constantly reading and can easily reach our reading goals as a class.  Your students work hard each day and it is nice for them to be rewarded in this special way.  Please look for coupons to come home at the end of each month.  Continue to read with and to your child as much as you can!!

            We will be visiting the Onekama Public Library on Wednesday, October 17th.  Please be sure you return the orange card so your child can receive a library card.  If your child has a card, be sure to bring it to school so they can get books that day.

            I am still working on getting us to the fire department this month for fire safety.  When we go we will be leaving by about 12:30 and we will walk over to the department.

            Amanda  was our special student this week.  We enjoyed getting to know more about her and her family.  Next week our all about me board will feature Eric C..

 Questions to ask your child this week are the following:


1)      Can you tell me 3-5 words that begin with Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr?

2)      Can you count by 1’s up to 30?


First Grade

1)      Can you use the following words in a sentence: to, have, a, with, my, see, our, we?

2)      Can you count by 5’s up to 50?

3)      Can you count by 2’s up to 20?


Enjoy the weekend weather!


Mrs. Lyman
