Miss Schultz Parent Letter

Thursday, October 28, 2006

Dear Kindergarten and First Grade Families,


         The first grade completed their first magazine test this week.  During this test the goal was to set up a foundation for testing.  The more tests they take the less I will be able to help them.  The magazine test is a part of our reading series and tests children on their reading strategies, reading comprehension as well as their ability to use their knowledge of phonics and decoding.

        I completed 1 guided reading session this week.  Those students involved in a group read a book just above their comfort level which is their instructional level.  We practiced looking at the picture to help with words as well as sounding out words according to letter sound knowledge.  From now on I will conduct guided reading twice a week.

       Kindergarten students studied the letters Oo, Pp and Qq this week.  Many of them are very comfortable and confident while reading predictable charts in front of their peers.

      Enjoy the weekend!  I hear snow is in the forecast again. J




Miss Schultz

Here are some upcoming events you may want to add to your calendar:

  • Tuesday, October 31st Halloween – Festivities begin at 11:45

  • Friday, November 3rd – Biddy Reading with Mr. Mauntler’s class

  • Monday, November 6th – Picture Retakes

  • Thursday, November 9th – early dismissal (12:30) Parent-Teacher Conferences

  •  Friday, November 10th – No School – Parent-Teacher Conferences

  • November 23rd & 24th – No School – Thanksgiving Vacation

This Week's Questions:


1)     Can you tell me 3-5 words that begin with the letter Oo?  Pp?  Qq?

2)     How high can you count by 1’s?

First Grade

1)     Can you use each of the following words in a sentence?  Play, over, them, are, can, you

2)     How high can you count by 2’s?

3)     Can you count backwards from 30?



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