Fur Trapper

Dave Raskey, a fur trapper from Manistee, made a presentation to the class.  The information related to the fur trade in the colonial era and to science relating to animal habitat.

On Thursday the 4th a man named Dave came to our class and showed us the furs that he had trapped. He also showed us his traps. The furs were really soft. The animals that he had furs of were deer, gray fox, beaver, and muskrat. He also had a hat made from a coyote skin. Also he had opossum skin and even a raccoon. Dave said he had been trapping for 20 years! Dave has even gone to Alaska. I like all the furs. ...Sami Kay 

I learned a lot from Mr. Raskey. ...Nick

Dave had a lot of cool furs. I liked the turtal trap he had the best. Dave also showed us a snare. He was cool! ...Mitchel

Mr. Raskey showed us several different furs. My favorite was the silver fox fur. Mainly I like foxes so maybe that's why. It truly was a neat Social Studies class. ...Alex B.

It was very cool to see all the furs. ...Nisha

Dave Raskey has been trapping for 45 years. He showed us all different kinds of traps and furs. They were really neat. ...Brittany T.

Mr. Raskey brought in some furs and traps for us to see. He told us how he skins them and how he traps them. He puts them on a board and lets them dry. At the end he let us feel the fur and smell something. ...Meghan

I loved it! ...Mariah

The animal furs were cool The traps were cool. I wish you could have brought in the bear trap. The gloves were really warm and so was the hat. How did you start trapping? Who do you trap with the most? Where do you trap the most? What was the most favorite thing you trapped? When you trap do you bring someone with you? ...Justin

It was an awesome presentation. ...Dan. K.

Mr. Raskey talked about furs and traps. It was very interesting. At the end he let us feel the furs. They were soft. Mrs. Lyman came around with beaver scent. I smelled it and it smelled awful. People don't usually make a living as a trapper because it takes a lot of time and you don't make much money. It was a good presentation. ...Lauren

It was very entertaining and educational. ...Sam B.

Last week a trapper came in and he told us about fur and how to trap. I have two muscrat furs. Once we found a trap on our property that we did not put there. ...Kaitlin

A trapper came in with furs. He had cool traps. He told us about traps. He caught a gray wolf. He made hats and gloves. ...Cameron

I got scared when he did that one trap that he does little animals. It kind of scared me a little. The furs were so soft. ...Emily H

Mr. Raskey lived in Manistee. Then he moved to Alaska and then back down here. Mr. Raskey is a trapper, but he only does it for fun.... Sierra

During the presentation I liked when he showed the traps. I liked the smell of beaver bait. The trap that drowns the beaver was the best. It must be hard to carry everything in the woods. I thought the presentation was interesting. ...William

It was fun because you got to learn more about fur. It was cool. ...Brittany H.

Mr. Raskey came in to talk about fur trapping. My favorite was the silver fox. We got to touch the fur. The mitten was so warm. I am glad Mr. Raskey came. ...John

He showed us a silver fox and two beaver. I enjoyed Mr. Dave Raskey. ...Faith

On Thursday Mr. Dave brought in furs. He had beaver, silver fox, muscrat, opossum, raccoon and turtle hides. He also brought traps. He had foot traps and a snare. Mr. Dave said that trapping is a lot of fun. Maybe some day when I'm older I can try to trap. Thank you!! ..Logan

I thought the beaver was the softest and the opossum was the hardest. I had fun. ...Haley

Onekama Fifth Grade 2006-2007


January 4, 2007