In Social Studies we studied Michigan maps. We each got a partner. My partner was Gerald. We used a grid map. We had to use the squares of the map to find the answers to the questions. It was kind of hard, but fun. ...Megan

Map Activity for Fourth Graders

When we did our mapping activity we got a map. We yoused it to help us on our activity. I partnered with Megan. It was really fun. It wasn't hard at all to tell you the truth. ...Gerald

I was partnered up with Anna. Anna and I had to find places on a grid map. We had to take two fingers and see where they meet. Anna and I worked out in the hall. It was fun working. ...Kayla

In S.S. I did Michigan mapping with Kayla K. It was fun because I got to learn new places on the map. I learned cities like Christmas, Luther, North Star. There were little letters and numbers on the side. We got it done and now I know how to do Michigan mapping. ...Anna

We learned how to use a grid map. We learned how to use the index. We learned how to locate places. My partnar was Jarett. We had an awsam time. ...Andrew

This activity was really interesting. My partner was SaDee. We worked with a grid map. There were numbers and letters on the four sides of the map. We had to find like K-11. We had to find K on the side and 11 on the other. SaDee looked in the box and found it was North Star. We had fun doing it.  ...Hanah

When we did Michigan mapping it looked easy but it wasn't. We did it to learn how to read a map. The class which we did it in was S.S. (Social Studies). The top part was easy but not the bottom part. We had partners. I also had fun. ...Kayla F.

It was fun learning about the map. We used a grid map. It was really hard to find Dellawhere. The hardest one was North Star. ...SaDee

This year we have S.S. We just got to do a project on mapping. We had a paper we had to fill out. On that paper there were numbers like K-11 and G-4 and C-7. With those we had to compare them together. When you compare them together we find the answers. It was hard but really fun. My partner was Taylor. Taylor and me are really good together. At the end we had to read our AR books. ...Cheyenne

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