Fiesta de la Navidad

Posada Procession->


I wore a skirt that had flowers.  And I wore a white shirt.  We song “Enter In All Holy Pilgrims.”  -Emilee

The boys had to wear dark pants and we got to wear any shirt we wanted.  We got to hold candles.  We sang songs.  –Ian, grade 1

First Grade

The girls had to dress in a dark skirt, a white shirt and a shawl.  The boys had to dress in a white shirt and dark pants. And we had to have a flower if we wanted. – Hobi

We sang the song “Little Shepards.” – Jaylen, gr. 1

We had to hold the candles.  We got to sing. ~James, grade 1

We sang.  It was called “Enter In All Holy Pilgrims.” –Nicholas, gr. 1

We had a dress up with a skirt and a shirt. – Katelynn, grade 1

Second Grade
Third Grade

It was a fun program.  I liked the dances we did and how we sang. Rhianan, grade 3

It was an exciting program, but I was a little bit embarrassed by all of the people watching me. ~Jessica, grade 3

I liked all of the songs and I liked having my family there. ~Courtney, grade 3

Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade
Photos on this page
by Beata Hunt



I liked seeing Santa.  I liked singing at the program. I liked getting a candy cane from Santa. –Madison, grade 1

I liked holding the candles and singing. –Caleb, grade 1

We sang.  We had to hold a candle. –Elizabeth, grade 1 

I liked it when I saw Santa.  I liked when I was singing.  I liked the cookies and punch.  ~Sydnee, grade 1

I liked it when I sat on Santa. –Jacob, grade 1 

My favorite part was when we had cookies and punch.  I liked seeing Santa. ~Ndio, grade 1

I sang in the program and held candles. – Carlee, grade 1

My favorite part was the lullaby. – Erica, grade 1

I sang. – Sophie, grade 1