Miss Schultz's Parent Letter

Friday, April 7th, 2006

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Wow! This week flew!! I guess we have been busy! Our theme this week has been spring and we have been doing a variety of activities related to the spring season. Hopefully we will begin to have some spring weather.

At the language center students finished their alphabet books and now they will be reading them to me. They also completed an —ag word family book. In addition to the above tasks they put together sentence puzzles, read the sentences and practice writing the rhyming words in baggies of paint.

At the writing center students completed a journal entry. At this point I will be asking them to write 2 — 4 sentences on a topic. Most of them were able to write 2 sentences this week. We are starting to think about stories we want to write for our bare books. The kids drew pictures of the beginning, middle (problem) and end of their stories. The next step will be to write a draft of their story so they can get words on paper.

At the math center students made an April calendar and played a couple of the coin games they learned in March.

At the theme art center the kids learned a kite poem and they made kites to hang in our room. They also learned a spring storm poem/finger play and made a mobile of spring weather.

Mr. K has chicken eggs in an incubator and we are going to share the experience with his class. I will keep you updated on the stages we observe.

I would like to thank all the parents who were able to come meet with me at conferences Thursday night. If you were unable to come in I will contact you to set up a time to go over your child’s report card next week sometime.

We had a special visitor today! A family with a student in Mrs. Veryser’s class brought in a 3 day old calf for us to see and pet. What a sweet surprise he was!!

Please take note of the following important dates:

  • Tues. April 12 — Spring Pictures (10:45)
  • Fri. April 14 — No School (Good Friday)
  • Thurs. April 20 — Young Author’s Night at 6:30 to 7:30

Questions to ask your child this week are the following:

  1. What type of weather do we have in the spring?
  2. Can you show me how to count 5 pennies? 5 nickels? 5 dimes?
  3. Can you tell me about the story you are planning to write?

Have a nice weekend!


Miss Schultz
