Young Authors
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Being an author means to me a lot. It feels good to be an author to me. I love to riet, riet, riet. ...Lacee

I like being an author. ...Taya


Being an author is really fun. I liked being an author because it is a yinde where you get to draw. There are many things to rite about. There are different kinds of books. ...Randy P. To be an author is to proofread and check your work lots and lots of times. I like to be an author because it is fun to write. ...Mackenzie I like being an author. It is cool because you get to write books for kids. It is fun to be an author because you get to write books. It was cool to have a book published. ...Hunter
Being an author is cool I love authors! Authors make books!! ...Kamryn

Being an author is fun because we can write a story. We also can go exploring for our title. ...Matt

I think being an author is cool because you get to make up your own story. If I was an author I'd make a cool story. I'd like to be an author because it would be cool. ...Caleb

It is fun to make books for little kids. It is fun to make little kids happy. ...Jessica

I like being an author because I can rite a book. I can read a book to people. I like to read and rite a book. ...Keith

Being an author is fun. I want to be an author because I can write my own story. ...Keegan


Being an author is hard. Being an author is sometimes so so so hard. If it is a short story it will be so so so fun. If it is a long story it might take a year. Or sometimes it will take a month. ...Tiffany

Being an author is hard work cus you have to make a book. It takes a lot of work. Some times it takes about a year. ...Tasha

I like writing books Being an author is to proof read. It is fun being an author. I like it. ...Miah

Being an author is hard. Doing the writing is hard. ...Hunter M.

I think it is cool being an author. ...Courtney

Being an author is when you write a book. You need patis and patis. It will take a year. ...Alexa

Being an author makes me feel like I am a gronup. Being an author you have to write stories. name

First you rite. Then you rite another page. Then you rite another page. name

I rote it in 3 days. I ilustrated it in 3 days. Being an author was fun. It was kind of hard. I liked being an author. ...Trevor

It feels weird to be an author. Book publishing is not that hard. I like being an author. I like doing the writing. ...Jack

It is fun to be an author. It can tire me out. ...Ethan


Mr. Mauntler's main page for 2005-2006

April 2006