Dr. Berard's Visit

Yesterday, Dr. Berard came and talked to us about teeth. He gave us floss and a tooth brush. He told us where to brush our teeth. Like on our gums. and our tongue. You don't want to get cavudeas. You will have to get a filling. ...Jon E.

Yesterday my daddy talked to us about how to clean our teeth. He said that if you eat too much sugar you will get cavites. You should go to the dentist every six months. You should brush your teeth before school and before bed. When you brush your teeth you should brush your gum. You should drink water and milk to help your teeth be strong. I had a great time listening to him. ...Janique
I think that was nice of him. I got a new toothbrush. It is clear. I got some dental floss. It is chary flavered. He brought puppets. There was a big toothbrush for one of the puppets. There was a tooth bug too. It was green and big. ...Logan
Dr Berard told us a lot about teeth. We should eat healthy food. Apples are good for your teeth. Candy is not good for my teeth. Eat healthy food. ...Ted Mrs. Catanese's Home Page
for 2005-2006

October 2005
