First Grade Parent Letter
January 26, 2006

Dear Parents,

Today we walked to the Onekama Public Library to return our books and check out new books. These books are due on Thursday, February 16th.

"The Store" is open for business. Sue Tolin has been my cashier for about five years. She has graciously volunteered to help with our class store again this year. The Store is a bulletin board consisting of many items such as rulers, pads of paper, posters, stickers, pencils, pens, highlighters, bookmarks and much more. Each item has a price tag. Students will be able to purchase items on Fridays. They must be able to count the money within three tries. If a student is unable to count the money, then s/he will have to return without purchasing from the store. Your child will earn money for completing work, following directions, working quietly, helping a friend or many other possibilities. The store is a privilege for those who have earned it. Donations are always appreciated for "The Store." Any of the many dollar stores offer great items for us to use.

Gong xi fa cai! This is the year of the dog. On Monday we will celebrate Chinese New Year. We will start the day by "sweeping out the old and welcoming in the new." We will clean our desks, bookshelves, computers, cubbies, and much more. Later we will paint a dragon. The dragon is a symbol of strength and goodness. It is believed that what happens on this day will decide what your luck will be for the rest of the year. We will read books about Asian people and their traditions. Please have your child dress in the colors of red and orange. The color red means joy and happiness and orange is a symbol for good luck. Students could bring a red apple or an orange for their snack.

On Monday Carolyn Williams from Crystal Mountain will come into our classroom to discuss rules and safety of Good Behavior Ski Day. Good Behavior Ski Day is on Wednesday, February 1st for first, fourth, and fifth grades. We will leave at 8:30 a.m. and arrive at Crystal Mountain by 9:15 a.m. Each grade will be called individually into the rental building to receive equipment. Once everyone is geared up, we will meet at Totem Park for lessons. Students must participate in lessons to earn their ski tickets. Once students earn their ski tickets, they can ski outside of Totem Park with adult supervision. Some students will be at Totem Park the entire day and others will graduate to the ski lifts. Each chaperone will be responsible for one to three students. Please find the enclosed list. Ski rental equipment will be returned around 1:45 p.m. The busses will leave by 2:15 p.m. and return to school by 2:45 p.m. It should be a fun day for everyone! Please remember that your child needs a sack lunch for this day and it would be helpful if your child’s name were on his/her sack/lunch box. Also pack extra snacks!!

The weather has been unpredictable. Students should dress in layers. Also dress your child in sweatpants or running pants. Jeans are uncomfortable in ski boots and do not go over them. Students need one pair of socks and should have extra hats, gloves, and socks packed in their bag, if needed. Please be sure everything is labeled.

Enclosed is your child’s Unit 4 Checking Progress (math test). Students had the opportunity to fix any errors. If they were unable to correct their errors on their own, then they had to work one-on-one with support. Overall students were able to correct their errors on their own and had good concept of time, measurement, money, and addition.

Spelling will begin next week. Your child took a spelling assessment. Your child’s assessment is enclosed. Please practice these words, because this test will be given again at the end of the school year. Your child should know these words by the end of the year. Our class average was 68 words out of 90, or 75%. Any misspelled words were added to your child’s spelling list. Words are added to your child’s list from the spelling assessment and his/her daily writing. Each week I will choose six words for your child. Students will bring home their spelling list on Mondays. The test will be given on Fridays. The first list will come home next Monday.

The following dates you may want to add to your calendar:

  • February 3 — Book Order due
  • February 14 — Valentine’s Day party
  • February 14 — Girl Scout Meeting
  • February 17 — Teacher In-service (No School)
  • February 20 — Winter Break ( No School)
  • April 3 - 7 — Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)



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