Onekama's Winter Olympic Ceremony
February 10, 2006

Speaker "We gather here to celebrate the Winter Olympic Games in Onekama, MI. The purpose of these games is bring together all nations for friendly competition. For the next several days we will celebrate universality, excellence, peace, and openness to others. Everyone Cheers and waves their flags together in UNITY.

10:50 Procession of the Athletes

Each country entered into gym door and followed the "route" to their designated area.

Mrs. Eichberger announced each country as they entered.
11:05 Olympic torch enters Joshua J. carried the torch in "coliseum". It was passed to Kayla F. She lit the Olympic flame at the center of the athletes.
Speaker "The Olympic flame is a symbol of peace and friendship. Let all nations learn to be peaceful and friendly one day."

Speaker " The Olympic flag symbolizes all nations. They are interlaced to show universality and the meeting of the athletes of the whole world during the Olympic Games"

The flag will be carried by four students Megan S, Janique B., Alex B., and Austin T.
The fifth grade band played for the entrance and departure.
All the participants faced the centerpiece of the ceremony, the Olympic flame.

(The REAL ceremony will be broadcast on NBC, Friday Feb. 10. )

Speaker " These three words, Faster — Higher — Stronger- is the Olympic motto. It is a life philosophy encouraging all athletes to give his or her best during competition and to view this effort as a victory in itself. Giving one’s best and personal excellence is a worthwhile goal. It applies to everyone. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"

The Olympic spirit is when somebody wins and you’re happy for them, and you go and congratulate them. You just try your best and even though you didn’t win, you’re happy. …Jarrod, First Grade
The Olympic Games mean peace and harmony. …Greg, First Grade

The Olympic spirit is friendship and even if you’re on the other team you can still cheer them on. …Bobby, First Grade

  • Finland (Mr. Neph, gr 5)
  • Sweden (Mrs. Bennett gr4 )
  • Norway (Mrs. Brown gr 4-5)
  • Netherlands (Mrs.Bromley, gr. 3)
  • Mexico (Mrs.Catanese, gr 2-3)
  • Canada (Mr. Mauntler, gr 2)
  • USA (Mrs.Veryser, kdg)
  • China (Mrs. Niederstadt, gr 1)
  • Germany (Mrs. Eichberger, gr 1)
  • Italy (Miss Schultz, kdg)
  • Switzerland (Mr. Kudlack, kdg)
The REAL ceremony will be broadcast on NBC, Friday Feb. 10.

It's an honor to be a part of an Olympic Ceremony – history in the making.

Closing Olympic Ceremony February 24