Working Together at the Food Pantry in December

I love to help at the Food Pantry . I put food into bags and pies into bags too. I could not find a job to do, but then I found a job. The job was to put cans in a line. ...Mariah, grade 4

I went to the food pantry today and saw my cousin there. I had fun. We worked, then we ate and then back to work. Th main thing we did today was get it ready for the people with no ood. It was good to help out. Then tomorrow the people will come and get the food. I thought it was nice to do this for the poor people. ...Brittany

At the food pantry we had to lift a lot of heavy things. We lifted many cans of food. It was hard. I liked when we ripped the plastic off the boxes. We even got to have a snack. I had a lot of fun. ...Josh

Today I went to the Food Pantry. It made me feel good because I was helping other people. I was sorting cans. I sorted corn, veggies, pizza sauce and a lot of other cans. I had a good time, and I think the others did too. ...Dan K.

Today I went to the Food Pantry with Brittany, Josh, Daniel, Torrey, and Mariah. I worked with Brittany and two0 ladies. I bagged nutter butters. Then I bagged apples and onions. Then I flattened out plastic bags. Next I bagged pie crusts. I got to eat a big rasberry cookie. Finally at 11:00 Mr. Hughes picked us all up. It was fun! ...Haley, grade 4

Today I went to the Food Pantry and worked very hard. I stacked a lot of stack soup. I made the stack in a pyramid shape. I opened boxes of food. When we were done we ate candy. I ate a lot. ...Torrey