Our Trip to the Post Office

I mailed a card to my Mom and Dad. There were trees and a sunset on the card. ...Jarrod

That was the second time I was at the post office. I went one time with my dad and my sister went in to mail a letter. ...Reid

Grandma Green wore a red hat with a ball on it. The ball was white. ...McKayla

Mr.Kudlack's Homepage

We saw all the cards go in the center. We put stamps on them first. One is going to Texas. ...Tayler

We walked to the post office. It was a long way. I was tired. My grandma gave us M & M's. I got to pass them out. My grandma's name is Linda, but you can just call her grandma if you want. ...Michele

I saw a map. I saw where you put the mail. ....Greg

Main Onekama School Page: http://www.onekama.k12.mi.us