Thursday, September 16th, 2004

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Well, we have just about completed our first two weeks of Kindergarten. Things are going very well. We are all adjusting to the routines and procedures we have established and everyone is learning to follow our classroom rules. Our theme this week has been the five senses and we have been focusing on the letter Ss. Each week we will learn all there is to know about a new letter. We will master its sound, how it is written and many words that start with that letter.

We have begun our literacy centers and this week they consisted of the following. At the language center students completed an Ss book. They highlighted the letter Ss on each page, practiced writing the letter Ss on the cover and read the book to me when they were finished. At the writing center students practiced writing the letter Ss, drew something that begins with Ss, practiced writing the letter Ss in sand and used Wikki Sticks to form the letter Ss and something that begins with Ss. At the math center students learned how to write the number 0 and 1 as well as the number words zero and one. At the science center students completed a 5 senses book and read their book when finished.

I have included a book order this week. Please turn in your order to me before Friday, September 24th. Thank-you!

Next week we will be studying the letter Aa as our theme is going to be apples. We will also have our first buddy reading session on Friday. This activity allows our Kindergarten class to share books with another classroom. Attached to this newsletter is a list of supplies that our classroom could use if you are willing to donate. Take a look and see if you can help us with one or more of the items. THANKS!!

Have a wonderful weekend! We are getting blessed with a little more of summer. I look forward to our next week.

Miss Schultz


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