Thursday, November 18th, 2004


Dear Kindergarten Families,

I have had to change the way we do literacy centers. Now we complete them on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. These are the days I have a volunteer so the students can do more and learn more. There are three main centers and all students are able to complete all three by the end of the week. Language and writing are together. Students worked on and read a letter Ee book, learned two Ee tongue twisters, put together a rhyming sentence puzzle to read, practiced writing Ee, drew a picture of something beginning with Ee and wrote a sentence about their drawing. We have begun our life science unit. At the theme art center students talked about living and non-living things and made a collage. They drew living and non-living things and what living things need to live and be healthy. They also completed a mural of living things. At the math center students worked with large numbers and made them using unifix cubes.

Tuesday and Thursday we will be rotating centers. On these days students will be playing games or doing activities to practice and reinforce concepts they have learned and need to practice.

I want to thank all of you who came to conferences. I had at least one parent come in for each student. I am so thankful I was able to talk to all of you about how well you children are doing in Kindergarten. You should all be very proud!


Please remember that there is no school next week Thursday and Friday because it is our Thanksgiving vacation. You will not see a Thursday folder or a newsletter next week. There are only three days of school. We will be making turkey art, talking about what we are thankful for and then we will have our Thanksgiving feast on Wednesday. Attached to this letter is a list of things we will need for our feast. If you are willing to provide any of the items please send them to school with your child.

Questions to ask your child this week are the following:

  1. What sound does the letter Ee make?
  2. Can you think of 3-5 words that begin with the letter Ee?
  3. Can you tell me something that is a living thing?
  4. Can you tell me something that is a non-living thing?

Have a wonderful weekend and an even better holiday weekend next week!!


Miss Schultz

Things we need for our Thanksgiving feast:



Cornbread mix




Whipping cream

Green beans



Chicken broth

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