Judge Danielle

I was the judge and it was fun. I even had a gavel. The jury was loud! The Lorax's story was the best. We even pretended to have a Bible and swore to tell the whole truth. The once-ler was proven guilty and sent to jail. ...Danielle

The Once-Ler's Trial

Today it was the mock trial of the Once-ler. We were all waiting to give our verdict. I thought the polluting Once-ler was guilt because he was continuously cutting down trees and the Bar-ba-loots had to leave. I don't think he's a bad guy but he doesn't understand about pollution. I think he should have someone teach him how pollution affects the world. That is my opinion on the subject. ...Emily C. B.

I was the Onceler and I felt guilty for polluting the air. I also made thneeds out of trees. That's why I was found guilty. I am going to go to jail. ....Alex

I played a witness in the mock trial. They asked me questions and I said I saw the damage the Onceler had done. I had to describe what it looked like. I said I saw what he had done. I was glad he was found guilty. He deserved to be called guilty. ...Jennica

Lawyer for the Once-ler, Kyle

I played the part of the Once-ler's lawyer. The Once-ler was found guilty . I got to yell at the witness. My witness was Justin. Louise was the Lorax's lawyer. I did not get to yell at her. (darn) I got to explain why the Once-ler would not be guilty, but it didn't work. It was fun anyway. ...Kyle

The Once-ler tries to look innocent

Lawyer Kyle gathers information

Lawyer Louise talks to her client.

My part was that I was on the jury. I thought the Once-ler was guilty. He cut down trees and the air and water got polluted. That's why I thought he was guilty. ...Quinn

I was on the jury for the Moc trial of the Onceler. I thought he should go to jail. We all voted on him being guilty and he should go to jail for 7 years. After he serves his time we should send himt o the south pole. He should have a bad punishment. ...Daniel.

I was a jury member. All I had to do was be quiet and listen. Then when it was almost over all the jury had to do was vote. We said the Once-ler was guilty. It was funny and kind of weird to make a decision. ... Kaylan

I was a part of the jury. I think the Oncelor was guilty. It was fun. the Oncelor goes the the basement handcuffed because he was found guilty by us. ...Annie, jury member

I was the Lorax and I was ...INNOCENT!!! First Louise (my Lawyer) called a witness to the stand (Jennica)and asked her about the pollution around the Once-ler's (Alex) factory. Then the witness was allowed to go back to her seat. Then my lawyer called me up to the stand. She told me to tell about the animals that were getting hurt. first I talked about the Brown Barbalutes, then the birds, and then the Humming Fish. Then I could sit down and the Onceler's lawyer (Kyle) got up and called another witness (Justin) to the stand. The judge (Danielle) made him sware he would tell the truth, just like the rest of us. Then the Once-let's lawyer (Kyle) asked him questions about getting paid at the factory and things like that. Then he called the Once-ler to the stand and asked him about the factory, shneeds, and how much money he spent. This experience was fun. ...Madalyn, the Lorax

I was the lawyer for the Lorax. I had to call witnesses and ask questions. I asked Jennica if she had seen the damage. She said yes, she said it was horrible. The jury was sent into the back room . We waited to see what they said. Finally they came into the room. They found the jury guilty. Danielle was the judge and she approved. It was cool that we won. ...Louise

I was on the jury for the mock trial of the Once-ler. I voted Once-ler guilty I think it was fun because it was funny. I would like to do it again. ...Elizabeth, jury member

When you are a jury member you have to be quiet until the end and listen a lot. At the end you vote if they are guilty. The majority of us said the Once-ler was guilty. ..Brandon B.

Below is the Once-ler Trial as held by Mrs. Bennett's
Fourth Grade Class

The Jury foreman came out to tell the judge that the Once-ler was guilty.

The class did a mock-trial of the Once-ler. I was the judge. I liked it. The Once-ler was guilty. He polluted a lot. ...Amy

Lawyer Curtis questions Witness Jacob as to the good the Once-ler may have done.

The Once-ler's Trial was held by the Fourth Graders as part of their Science Class.

I was the lawyer for the Onceler. I thought it was cool asking people about my client. We were doing a mock-trial. I knew we were going to lose. I think he was not really guilty because he did feel bad about what he did. I like doing this a lot, but I think Parker was a pretty bad witness. ...Curtis

Lawyer Curtis tried to get witness Derek to give positive information.

Lawyer Kelly worked to get information from John.

Parker gave a bit of information about the Once-ler's activities.

Moriah gave her information

The Once-let was guilty. The jury was right. The onceler shouldn't of cut down trees and destroyed the pond and let all of the animals fly away and run away. The Lorox was good. All he did was talk for the trees. But the Once-ler was bad. He cut down the trees. The trees made the air smell good. The Oncelye destroyed them just to have a factory. ...Jacob B.

Everyone thought the onceler shouldn't have cut down all the trees. I told all about the onceler. The onceler pollutted a pond and made the humming fish and the swommee swans go away. ...Derek

I thought the Onceler was guilty for cutting down the truffula trees. Amy was the judge. Curtis was the lawyer. They did a good job. ...Emalee

I thought it was exciting that my client won the mock trial. The mock meant the trial was fake but it was fun. My client, the Lorax, was glad he won. ....Kelly

I was on a jury. I think the Onceler was guilty. I voted for him to be guilty in the Mock trial. ... Josh

Science Class students acted out these trials. They also wrote letters to the Once-ler offering advice.

I liked being a part of the jury because I got to chose if the Onceler was guilty or not guilty. Also I was the jury forman. I really liked telling the judge that the onceler was guilty. It wasn't a real trial. It was a mock trial. ...Rebecca

I was on the jury. I thought it was exciting because I was on the jury. The onceler was guilty because we voted and the magerty of the jury won .there was only one person who thought the Once-ler was innocent. ...Emily B.

I thought I was not guilty even though I cut down all the trees. I am sorry about that. I think the jury was wrong. I should have been innocent. ...Austin G (the Once-ler)

I was a witness. The witness has to answer questions and say what we think. Like we had to say if we thought he was guilty or not guilty. ... Moriah

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