Writing Friendly Letters: Pen Pal Letters to Florida Friends
Decenber 10, 2004

Dear Alison,

My name is Alicia. I live in Onekama. I’m ten years old. I’m a fifth grader. We have three teachers. One of my teachers is Mrs. Brown. She teaches math. Mrs. Bennett she teaches language arts. Mr. Neph teaches science and social studies. W e had Mrs. Eldridge for science but she retired. They are all good teachers.

I like basketball. What kind of sports do you like? This is my first year playing. Did you ever play basketball?

I hope you write back when you get this letter. Happy Holidays!



December 10, 2004

Dear Jacob,

My name is Tyler. I go to Onekama School. Our classroom is l huge. I’m in fifth grade. Five people are in my family. My favorite sport to do is hunt, fish, and trap. My family may go boar hunting after school is out in Florida.

What do you like to do? Are you a fan of hunting? What school do you go to? How many people are in your family?

I am looking forward to your letter back. Have a great Christmas.

Your Friend,


December 10, 2004

Dear Kaitlyn,

My name is Mikayla. I’am in fifth grade and I’m 11 years old. My teacher’s name is Mr. Neph. I also have two other teachers named Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Brown. I go to Onekama school.

I like skiing in the winter. Do you like a winter sport? My favorite sport is basketball. What is your favorite sport?

Have a wonderful Christmas. I also hope you have a happy New Year.

Your friend,


December 10, 2004

Dear Onix,

My name is Adrian. I’m in the fifth grade. My teacher name is Mr. Neph. I have two other teachers. My family is a sport family. They all play sports. I have two families.

My favorite sport is football. What is your favorite sport? My favorite book is Harry Potter. What is your favorite book?

I hope you can write back. Have a good Christmas.

Your friend,


December 10, 2004

Dear Samuel,

Hi my name is Tanner. I go to Onekama school. My teachers name is Mr. Neph. I’m in the fifth grade. The people in my family are my two sisters and my mom and dad.

Some things I like to do is play sports and ride dirt bikes. Do you like to play sports? Also do you like to you ride dirt bikes? My hobbies are playing basketball and football. Another thing is I like to do is skateboard.

I hope I hear from you soon. Have a Merry Christmas.



December 10, 2004

Dear Kelsey,

Hi my name is Katie I am ten years old and in fifth grade. I go to Onekama Elementry School. My teachers are Mr. Neph, Mrs. Brown, and Mrs. Bennett. I have a brother and a sister, also my mom and dad. I use to live on a farm, but I don’t any more.

I like to go skiing and play basketball. What do you like to do? My favorite subjects in school are math and art. What is your favorite subject?

I hope you can write back! Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!




December 10, 2004

Dear Yovonni,

Hi my name is Angelica. I’m 11 years old and I’m in 5th grade. My Homeroom teacher his name Mr. Neph. I go to Onekama Elementary School. I have six people in my family. My favorite subject is science.

My favorite sports are soccer and basketball. What are you’re favorite sports? This year I was in basketball and Mrs. Brown was my coach, but now the season is over.

I hope I can get a letter back from you! Have a Merry Christmas.

Your friend,


December 2, 2004

Dear Julienne,

I am ten years old and I am in the fifth grade. I have 24 kids in my class. We have to do our AR goals. I have seven family members. I have two moms, one dad, two brothers, and two sisters.

How many family members do you have? Do you like to play games? What do you do for fun? What kind of school do you go to? Things are good here.

Hope to hear from you soon. Have a Merry Christmas.



December 10, 2004

Dear Michael,

Hi, My name is Brandon M. I go to Onekama Elementary School. I am in fifth grade. There are 24 kids in my class. My classroom is huge. There are seven people in my family. The are two dogs, two brothers, and my mom and dad.

My favorite subject is math. What is your favorite subject? What is your schools name? How many kids are in your class? How many people are in your family? Do you have ant pets?

Have a Merry Christmas! Hope you can write back.

Your friend,

Brandon M

December 10, 2004

Dear Nicholas,

Hello I’m a fifth grader and I’m 11 years old. I have five people in my family, two brothers, my mom, dad, and me. Plus I have one dog and one cat. I go to Onekama School. We got a new teacher. His name is Mr.Neph.

How old are you? What grade are you in? What do you do like to do? Do you have any hobbies? I like to play video games and shoot a 22. It’s a gun.

I hope I hear from you soon. Can you answer all my questions?



December 10, 2004

Dear Kyle,

Hi my name is Austin. I’m in fifth grade and I am 10 years old. My Teachers are Mr. Neph, Mrs. Brown, and Mrs. Bennett. I have 8 people in my family. I have four brothers. Those are the people in my family.

My favorite thing to do is skateboard! Do you like to skateboard? My favorite subject in school is science. What’s your favorite subject in school?

I wish I could see you some day! I hope you can write me back.

Your Friend,


December 10, 2004

Dear Kristian,

Hi my name is Brandon G. I am in the fifth grade. My teachers names are Mr. Neph, Mrs. Bennet, and Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Brown teaches math. Mr. Neph teaches science and social studies and reading. Mrs. Bennet teaches language arts.

I also like to skate board. Do you? I also like basketball. Do you? I also like football and biking. Do you like any of these sports?

I hope to hear from you soon. Happy Holidays!

Your friend,

Brandon G.

December 10, 2004

Dear Justin,

I’m in the fifth grade. My teachers are Mrs.Bennett and Mrs.Brown and Mr.Neph. My favorite subject is L.A. Mrs. Bennett teaches it. She’s very nice. She teaches it very well. I like all of my teachers.

Hey do you like sports? I do. I like football. Do you? Also, I like to play soccer. My favorite hoby is playing rune scape. Have you heard of the game? Its very fun. I also love to hacky sack. Do you? If you don’t like any of the sports I said what do you like to do for sports. If you don’t like sports what do you like to do?

I hope you have something to keep you entertained. I also hope you are having a nice day. Write me a letter.




December 10, 2004

Dear Patrick,

Hi my name is Nolan. I have five people in my family including me. I have one brother and one sister. I like to play with them a lot. When I am at school I study and do work. Some days it’s fun at school.

When I get home from school I do a lot of biking. I make a lot of my ramps. My favorite ramp is a tabletop. If you don’t know what it is it is like a table with ramps on the front and back. Do you like to bike? I also like to play sports. I like to play football and baseball. Do you like to play sports.

Well see you later. Don’t for get to have a good Christmas.

Your friend,


December 10, 2004

Dear Sean,

Hi, my name is Sean and I’m in fifth grade. I have 3 teachers because I’m in a split class. My teachers names are Mr. Neph, Mrs. Brown, and Mrs. Bennett. I am 10 years old. I have 7 members in my family including my pets and me.

My favorite hobbies are playing basketball and snowboarding during the winter. I also golf too. Do you do any of the things I do? Have you had any hurricanes? If you did what did you have to do? If there was one were you a little scared or frightend?

I can’t wait to hear from you. Merry Christmas!



December 10,2004

Dear Teairra,

Hi, my name is Shamika. I’m 11 years old. I am in fifth grade. My teacher’s names are Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Brown and Mr. Neph. My school is Onekama. I have one brother and one sister. School is cool.

I like to play basketball. Do you? What’s your favorite thing to do? Do you like reading? I do some times? I have four dogs. Do you have any dogs? Do you like school? What is your favorite hobby?

I hope you can write back. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.



December 10, 2004

Dear Zachary,

My name is Zac to. I go to Onekama School. My classroom has a soft wall, but it is always open. So my class is twice as big. I have six family mebers living with me if you count me. I also have a cat her name is Lilly.

So do you play any sports? I cheerlead and I ski. This is my sixth year skiing. Do you have any pets? What are your favorites? Mine are Halloween and Christmas. Do you have a favorite T.V show? I don’t.

I hope you a Merry Christmas. I hope you can write back.

Your Friend,


December 10, 2004

Dear Shawntelle,

My name is Madalyn. I have a little sister, my mom, my dad, and a cat. I’m in a split class with fourth and fifth grade in Onekama Consolidated Schools. I have three great teachers, Mrs. Brown (my homeroom), Mrs. Bennett (fourth grade), and Mr. Neph (fifth grade). My teachers are really great!

I have to take piano lessons. Do you have to take anything like that? Do you have cool teachers? I hope you do. I love to read. Have you ever read The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle? If you haven’t you must. It is a very good book.

I hope you can write back to me soon. Have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. ( and a Happyyyy Neww Yearrrr )

Happy Holidays,


December 10,2004

Dear Taylor,

Hi my name is Lindsay. I am ten years old and I am I fifth grade. My teachers are Mrs.Brown, Mrs.Bennett, and Mr.Neph. I like almost everything in school exept for waking up so early. I have five people in my family, and I have five animals. I am the youngest in my family not counting the animals.

This fall it was my first year playing basketball. Do you play any sports? In the winter I also like to snowboard, ice skate, and go sledding. Have you ever skied or snowboarded before? In the Summer I enjoy going to camp. My dad owns a camp and it’s the best camp in the world. Have you ever gone to a camp before?

I hope that we can become penpals. Well I’m looking forward to getting your letter.

Your Friend,


December 10, 2004

Dear Hailey,

My name is Emily. I’m in fifth grade. I have six people in my family. My two brothers, a dog, Mom, and a Dad. My dogs name is boomer. His name is Boomer because he bangs into people. I go to Onekama School. My favorite subject is Social Studies. In music I can play three or four songs on my clarinet.

Basketball is my favorite sport. What’s your favorite sport? What grade are you in? Do you have any pets? I have six.

Have a good Christmas. Hope you write to me.

Your Pen Pal,

Emily P.

December 10, 2004

Dear Anthony,

Hi, my name is Austin. I go to Onekama School. I am in fifth grade. My class has three teachers. My teachers are Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Bennett and Mr. Neph. I have six

people in my family. I have one brother. I also have three dogs.

My favorite sports are Basketball and Football. I am playing Basketball this year. My favorite book is Harry Potter the series. I like to skateboard, ride dirt bikes, and play Xbox [it is a game system]. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a safe holiday.

Your friend,

Austin B.

December 10, 2004

Dear Ashley,

Hi, my name is Danielle. I’m in Mrs. Brown’s fifth and fourth grade split. In my family are my sister, mom, dad, me, my dog, and my three cats. The book I’m reading is The Borrowers. It’s very good! I’m ten years old.

My favorite sport is basketball. What’s yours? I love animals! I have four. How many do you have? Did one of the hurricanes hit your house? In band I play the trumpet. My friend does too. We’re the only girls in brass.

I hope you have a great Christmas, and a happy New Year! Please write back to me.

Happy Holidays,


December 10,2004

Dear Jean,

Hi, my name is Jennica. I am 11 years old. I am the only child in my family. This year I am in a slit class with fourth graders. I am in fifth grade. This year I got to play basketball. In school I have three teachers there names are Mr. Neph, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Bennett. Mr. Neph just started here this year. Last year I had Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Bennett. They are all very nice teachers. Mr. Neph teaches science and social studies. Mrs. Brown teaches math and social studies for fourth grade. Mrs. Bennett teaches language arts and social studies for fourth grade too.

How old are you? My favorite sport is basketball. What sport do you like? How many people do you have in your family? I heard about the three huricanes. Did your house get hit by one?

I hope you have a safe and happy holiday. I hope to hear from you again.



December 10, 2004

Dear Paul,

My name is Justin. I have my sister, mom, and my dad in my family. We have seven pets. There are my dog and my six fish. I go to Onekama Consolidated schools and I’m in the fifth grade. What school do you go to? What grade are you in? How many family members do you have? Do you have any pets? I hope you have a happy holiday. Enjoy Miss. Rachozy!



December 10 2004

Dear Atasha,

Hi my name is Alison. I am ten years old. In my family I have two brothers, a mom, a dad. I also more than eight dogs. I go to Onekama School. In school I joined girl scouts and the basketball team. At home I help my mom babysit. I have three teachers and their names are Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Bennett, and Mr. Neph.

In school did you join anything like sports? How old are you? I also heard about the hurricanes. Did you get hit by one? If you did I hope you are ok.

I hope you can write back soon! Have a happy holiday!



December 10, 2004

Dear Dylan D.,

Hello my name is Chance. The people in my mom, dad, sister, and me. I go to Onekama school. One of my teachers are Mrs. Brown. I’m in fifth grade and I’m ten years old. My class is a splite of two grades. Another one of my teachers are Mrs. Bennett too. My favorite subject is math.

What is your favorite sport? The hurricans that hit Florida did they hit your area? Do you have any animals? How is it down in Florida? What is your schools name?

Hope you will write me back. Have a happy holiday in Florida.


Chance Johnson

December 10, 2004

Dear Dylan A.,

My name is Dylan and I go to Onekama Elementory. I’m in fifth grade and my sister is in third. My class has three teachers and 5 subjects. My favorite subject is math. It is very easy for me.

I heard a hurricane hit there. Did you get hit by it? Any way what school do you go to? What kind of sports do you like?

Please write me back. Have a Merry Christmas!

Your Friend,


December 10, 2004

Dear Matt,

Hi, my name is Kyle. I go to Onekama School and I am in fifth grade. My class is a split with forth and fifth. I have six people in my family. My mom and dad and three sisters. I have two golden retrievers. I had another dog but it died.

This year I get to play basketball and football. What kind of sports do you get to play? I heard about the hurricanes. Did you get hit by the hurricanes? My family heard they were really bad. My favorite subject is math. What is your favorite subject? The books I like are the Harry Potter series. What are your favorite books?

I hope I hear from you again. If I don’t hear from you again have a good holiday.

Merry Christmas,


December 10, 2004

Dear Shyanne,

My name is Louise. I am ten years old and I’m in the fifth grade. The school I go to is Onekama and my teacher is Mrs. Brown. The people in my family are my mom, dad, my little sister, and me. Also I have two dogs, and two cats. My Grandma and grandpa live just down the road from me.

I have had a pretty good year so far. How has your year been? When I get spare time I like to draw and sing. What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you play an instrument? I play the clarinet and the piano.

Please write back to me. Have a very happy holiday!



December 2, 2004

Dear Elizabeth,

Hi my name is Dylan. At school I like to play tetherball a basketball. It’s fun at recess because there are a lot of things to play like soccer, slide, and tag. My teacher’s name is Mr. Neph. He’s a good teacher I think. I like to plat soccer and basketball at my house. I also have a paintball course at my house. The reason I do is I love to play paintball.

I think paintball is fun. Do u like to play paintball? I also like to play a computer game caled Runescape.. Do you like to play Runescape? If you do, give me your name on there. Ok?

I hope to hear from you. Happy holidays!

Your friend,


December 10, 2004

Dear Edwin,

My name is Randall. I go to Onekama. My teacher is Mr. Neph. Mr. Neph is a very good teacher. I have four people in my family. There is my mom, dad, brother, and me. I am a cat lover. I like to skate bord.

I have some qwustons to ask you. How many people do you have in your family? Do you like to skate bord? Is every thing alright in Florda from the harkans?

I had al lot of fun writing to you. Write back soon.



December 10, 2004

Dear Marissa ,

Hi, my name is Lisa. I’m in the fifth grade. The school I go to is Onekema. We are called the Portagers. My age is ten. My teachers are Mrs.Brown and she teaches math. Mrs. Bennett Language Arts, and Mr. Neph is my homeroom teacher. I have five family members.

My favorite sport is soccer and baseball. What is your favorite sport? In band I flute. My favorite subject is math. What is your favorite subject?

I hope you have a nice Christmas. Please write back.


Lisa C.

December 10, 2004

Dear Amber,

Hi, my name is Jami and I'm in fifth grad. I'm 11 years old. I have two brothers and one sister. Also, I have three teachers, their names are Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Bennett and Mr. Neph. My favorite thing to do is play basketball!

What do you like to do? Are you in a sport at school? I use to be in basketball but it ended a while ago. Was it scary having all of those hurricanes, or did thay miss you? I would have been scared!

Have a nice day. Hope to talk to you later.

