Cleaning the Beach

We went on the beach sweep to pickup trash for the common good. I think that it is good to pick up trash because then, the people who come there after you can enjoy it too. We came back and tallied the amount of trash, the things we found the most of was cigarette tips. …Claire

We got there and we got into different groups. We had to write tally marks on or paper for the trash we picked up. We picked up a lot of trash like ribbins, plastic, and cans. Then we came to sand doons. We found a lot of trash by there. Then we got to play a little and after that we had to go. There was 419 pieces of trash. We found the most cigorette buds. …Brittany

I saw a big dune. I saw a lot of trash. It was fun. It was cool. I fuond a fishing houck. The 3rd grad went. What we did was to have a biger and beter beach. We did it at the beach. …Bryson

Why: For the common good and so other people can enjoy it. The people in my group were: Claire Brittany and Ishmel. We had lots of fun! Altogether there were 419 pieces of trash. …Sam

Poetic Reflection

Selfless & Selfish & Convincing Someone

When we went to the beach sweap we had to pick up trash. We found glass, paper, lots of plastick, and many more things. We did the beach sweep for the common good. The common good is were citizens and government work together and do something like clean the beach like we did. That’s a beach sweap. There were 419 pieses of trash. We found mostly siguret butts. …Nisha

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See Mrs. Bromley's Kids Cleaning the Beach

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