Mrs. Eichberger's Newsletter

November 24, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope your family enjoys our long weekend. We celebrated Thanksgiving in our class by eating corn bread. Corn is a gift of the North American Indian People to the world. The gift was marked by a Treaty: Human beings and corn had to work together to feed the nations. Each was to depend on the other for survival. That is why there is no such thing as "wild corn." By the time Europeans arrived on America’s shores, the Original American scientists had long before domesticated corn and bred hundreds of variations.

The Treaty still works today: Corn is one of the few plants, perhaps the only plant, whose seeds must be planted by human beings if she is to grow and survive. If corn stopped supplying its nourishment, there would be extreme hunger all over the world. The next time you eat corn, you can recognize the benefits of cooperation. All parts of the corn can be used; the husks made mats, dolls, masks; the stalk could be used for fuel; even the cobs had their uses. This teaches us to value and use all of our Earth’s gifts. We give thanks for corn!

Staying Healthy

I would like to take this opportunity to remind all families of ways to stay healthy this winter. The flue and cold season is already upon us. I did not receive a flu shot this season, but I’m keeping my immunity up by eating plenty of nourishing foods, washing my hands frequently, getting enough rest, and exercising. Please talk to your child about how they can stay healthy this winter!

Ways to stay healthy this winter!

  1. Dress for the weather! Keep an extra pair of mittens and hat at school. Also make sure coat zippers are working properly.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids!
  3. Wash hands frequently.
  4. Take Vitamin C supplements and/or increase your intake of citrus fruits and juices.

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