
This week’s story was The River.

We identified the many animals and plants that depend on the river for survival.  We also categorized the fish, mammals, and birds that live near or in the river.  Finally, we compared and contrasted the features of rivers, ponds, lakes, and oceans.   Students wrote about what they knew about rivers based on their experiences in real life and with literature.  We also sang, Down by the Riverside, an old southern American folk song.  "I’m gonna shake hands around the world, down by the riverside!" 


We have been identifying even and odd numbers, creating repeated patterns with blocks and templates, and exploring skip-counting patterns on the number grid.  The students amaze me with their critical thinking and

Weekend Homework

Your child’s homework journal will be returned every Thursday.  It should be brought to school every Monday for review and discussion. 


Reading Strategies

Attached is the reading strategies sheet that I mentioned at conferences.  The plastic bags go home every Thursday with books inside.  Your child may exchange the books for new books every week. 

Language/Math Homework

Follow a recipe with your child. It’s a great opportunity to practice reading, following directions, and using measurement skills!  Have them read the recipe with your support if necessary.  It could be something as simple as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or as complex as a chocolate cake. When you are finished, write about what you made, and if you liked it or not. Below and on back are two easy and fun recipes to follow.

Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich


  1. 2 slices of bread
  2. Peanut Butter
  3. 1 banana
  4. Table knife
  5. Place one slice of bread on a plate.
  6. Spread the peanut butter evenly on the bread.
  7. Peel the banana.  Slice banana into thin slices, about a half inch wide. 
  8. Place the banana slices on the peanut buttered side bread.
  9. Place other slice of bread on top. 
  10. Eat!

Fruit Smoothie

  1. Take 2 bananas
  2. 8-10 strawberries
  3. 1 seedless orange
  4. 1/2 cup - 1 cup apple juice.
  5. Combine ingredients in a blender. Blend. Share some with everyone and drink it.
  6. Cold fruit makes for a better drink. Substituting 1/2 cup of milk in place of the apple juice makes a richer drink.  Try ice cream too!

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