Mrs. Eichberger's First Grade News
April 21, 2005
Earth Day

Today we wrote about the many ways to protect and preserve our planet.

The children stated that we should do the following:

  • Plant more trees and flowers.
  • Don't throw garbage on the ground.
  • Re-use everything.
  • Buy things that can be recycled.
  • Stop using yucky chemicals.
  • Ride your bike!
  • Grow your own food.

We then painted clay pots, in which we will transplant our marigold and zinnia seedlings.

Flea Market

Our flea is going very well. In our first day we made over $40.00. It was so much fun to invite other students into our classroom, and watch them participate in the buying and selling. We had great practice of counting and exchanging coins. In addition to coin counting, the children priced all the items, made signs, and acted as retail personnel. Overall, it was a great interactive learning experience. The children will count up our total profits on Monday morning and then hand it over to the PTO. Thank you for donating your unwanted items!

Photos from Flea Market

Information about our flea market fundraiser. 

May Day Celebration

We will be having a May Day Celebration on Monday, May 2.

May Day is a festival that marks the arrival of spring after the harsh winter months.

The day is filled with music and flowers and at the center of the celebration is an enormous stripy maypole, around which children dance and sing. May Day traditions include the weaving of ribbons into a colorful braid. When the children change direction, the ribbons unwind, symbolizing the lengthening of the days.

Girls wear colorful spring dresses, and tennis shoes so they don't slip on the grass while dancing. Boys wear black and white clothing and tennis shoes too! Black signifies the winter and white signifies the summer. Girls wear flower headpieces and boys wear straw hats with flowers stuck in them.

We will need the following items for the celebration. If you have any questions or would be willing to participate in the celebration, please send a note with your child or contact me at school.

  • Fresh Fruit (Grapes and Strawberries)
  • Cake
  • May Day Punch (White Grape Juice, Pineapple Juice and Ginger
  • Ale)
  • Floral Headpieces for Girls (could be silk flowers)
  • Straw Hats for Boys


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