Voting for Books

Voting is where you vote for presidents but I larned something today. I larned that you can also vote for books. And I also larned that the thing you vote for didn't win you can still have fun. Oh and plus you can have a party if you want to. Oh and I loved the book To Fly. But in real votes you have to be 18 or older. .....Cheyenne, grade 2

The MRA vote is when you vote for books. I voted for Samurai Cats. It was really fun. We got cupcakes at the end. The cupcakes were really good. We got a word search. …Lauren, grade 3

Voting is for everyone. Voting is for books and people. Voting is part of being nice because people want to be voted for. ...Alexi, grade 2

I voted for Little Horse. It got 26 votes. Samurai Cats got 15 .I got cupcake. I loved MRA. It was fun. I liked voting. …Sam T., grade 3

Voting is something wen you choos something like a book. It is fun to vote. I voted for the Therry Samiry Cats. ...Tucker, grade 2

Voting is something you do to see who's book is the best one. And you vote for presitindts too. ...Julie, grade 2

At the MRA Vote I voted for The Three Samurai Cats. Then I went and sat down in the High School Library and ate a cupcake. I did a Word Search with my friends, then the voting results came in. A book called Little Horse won with 26 votes. The Three Samurai Cats came in second with 15 votes. I’m glad that the book I chose got a big number of votes and I’m also glad that other people liked the book. …Ismael, grade 3

Voting is fun because the litl horses wun and I love voting beckes it is fun and I will olwez vote. ...Bernice, grade 2

Voting is when you pike something. Voting is like Elecsin Day. Today I voted for a book. The book that had th emost votes was Lital Horse. It had 26 votes. ...Elijah, grade 2

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People vote for thir favorit thing. You can vote for lots of things. I voted for to fly this time. To fly didn't win. You must be 18 or older to vote for a presadnt. I voted for books today. Kids can vote for enythng but presidents. ...Gerald, grade 2

Voting is when you pick somethin spechl. ...Travis, grade 2

Voting is picing books and having fun. You like the cupkaks and the books. I voted for tree Samorries Cats. ...Lawrence, grade 2

The MRA vote was fun. I voted for vote. I love voting. I vote a lot. It is fun. …Brittany, grade 3

I did not vote. I did eat a cupcake. I would vote for the three samurai cats. …John M., grade 3

I voted for To Fly. It had 11 votes. But I voted earlier then the class because I had to go to the Dentist. name, grade 3

Voting is where you vote to try to win something. I vote for a book it was called Littol Horse. I pikt Littol Horse becaus I like horses. I like horses because they are pritty. ...Kayla, grade 2

I think voting is very fun and even though my book called To Fly didn't get picket I still think voteing is fun. ...No name. Grade 2

When we voted we got cupcakes and a word search. I voted for, To Fly. We had to go into a booth and fold a paper and put it into a box. It was a blast. To bad To Fly didn’t win. ..Logan, grade 3

I voted for a book called To Fly. After I came out of the booth I went to where we were told to sit. I got to sit next to one of my friends. Every body had a good time I think. I had a good time. …Alex, grade 3


Today I voted for The Siamese Cats. After we voted we got to eat cupcakes. It felt good to vote. The book that I voted for did not win. I thought the best part was that we got to eat the cupcakes. …Kaitlin K., grade 3
I didn’t get to vote. I had to go to the high school library with the other 2ed and 3rd graders. We got cupcakes with frosting and sprinkles. The decorations were red, white, and blue balloons. We did a word search. I had fun even. …Jordan, grade 3
Voting is fun. You get to vote for a book and eat. ...Payton, grade 2

I was voting today. I voted for Lidle Horses. I was voting. It maks me feel gud. ...Duane, grade 2

When I voted for a book I ate a cup cake. I voted for a pony book, and the pony book won the vote for best book. When I went in the book booth it was cool. It was fun when I voted for a book! …Mariah, grade 3
Voteing is wher you vote for your favrite book and I voted for the book named the little horse and the winner this year was my favrite book the Little horse. ...Taylor, grade 2 It is a time when you vote for something you all desid. Maybe you can vote for a book. You may be a winr or you may not win and you feel sad. ...Natasha, grade 2

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