Girl Scouts of Onekama: Some photos from our past
Onekama's Fifth Grade
Girl Scouts

This year is our third year doing Girl Scouts. We have lots of fun taking trips and helping with work around the neighborhood. Last year we took a trip to Macinac Island and had lots of fun. So now we have some left over money and plan to take more group trips. Danielle

This year is our third year of doing Girl Scouts. Last year we worked a lot in the recycle trailer putting cardboard boxes and other things in the right places. And that is how we got enough money so we don't have to do that again this year. Also last year we went on a trip to Mackinac Island for 2 days and one night and we still had enough money to go to other fun places. The girls in the troop are Danielle, Kelsey, Tara, Kayla, Carmen, Mara, Erin, Cheyenne and me Cari Howard. ...By Cari

Second Grade Brownies

The Second Grade Brownies, chose to study France, in preparation for their International Days, to be held on Sunday February 23, 2003, in the Onekama gym. They used the Arcadia School kitchen to prepare ordinary foods from France.

Mrs. Harochovina graciously taught the 2nd grade French cooking when we presented France at the first International day held here in Onekama.

For more cooking pictures, check this link:

More on International Day 2003

Third Grade Brownies
(May, 2001)

Onekama's Girl Scouts Troop Earns Money by Selling Pumpkins
Onekama Girls Scout
Index page for 2004-2005
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